Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

Remember.....I'm not giving them to anyone. Nope...nobody gets any of them.
I tricked you all!!!!! They are ALL too beautiful to leave my house.
I'm keeping ALL of them to make myself the world's largest afghan.
Just kidding!!!!!

I've been updating the swap thread, but you might not have seen the post since lots & lots of other activity on here. I love that the crochet corner is getting chatty again. (YAY!!!)) Anyway....I am waiting on one more participant to send in their squares. All the other swap square at the moment are still in their original mailing package tucked safely away behind my couch, but I think I will go ahead and separate them this morning. That way when the last package comes in all I have to do is drop one of their squares into everyone's return package and they can be on their way. I still need to post a pic of the last package that just arrived a few days ago. Beautiful colors!!!!

I will continue to keep you posted!!!!
I don't hate you. We all have our ways. If yarn snobbishness is your worst problem, you're doing alright.
:)Thank you. Thank you. May I please sign up now? I'd like to be an 'sw', the first half of S-W-A-P. Can I send in squares for the joy of giving and participating and not receive any back? I'm not really in a position to receive them.
I don't hate you. We all have our ways. If yarn snobbishness is your worst problem, you're doing alright.

I completely understand as well. If we all had access to such beautiful yarns it would be a no brainer. Just that most people don't have affordable access to these yarns.
Hey everybody~

Just wanted to check in with everyone and say hello!
I know most of you are very anxious to receive them! Sorry, but I am still waiting for one more swap package to arrive, before the swaps can be sent off to you. I'm sure it won't be much longer. In the mean time we can dream about the beautiful cool spring swaps we will create to chase away the winter blues.

So far b/c sooooooooo many people did 2 sets we will all receive about 27 swap squares instead of the 16. I think that's a nice little number to get everybody on their way to a cozy afghan.

To prep for the final ship off I went and picked up the free pay one price boxes to have them ready for the ones that shipped theirs that way and some packing tape.
I've noticed that the Post Office doesn't always have the size you need available. That would be my luck to truck on down there and not have a box to ship them in back to ya. That way I'll be ready to rock n roll!!!

I hope everyone has a fantastic day~
Hi, Wow! We'll get lots of squares. Maybe we ought to have another swap using the same colors and come out with enough to make an afghan. I'm already thinking yarn colors and pattern/s for the spring swap. What fun!
That's a fabulous idea!!!! I've had that thought in the back of my mind. I won't have time to even begin to make anything out of mine for a while anyway, b/c I'm backed up on B-day projects and I'm way backed up on my x-mas ones.

The spring swap is going to be soooooo much fun!!!! I was trying not to think about the spring swap much yet b/c I have so much to finish, but I can't help think about yarn colors. I need to hook faster.

You are a fabulous host!!!! I'm really really happy to see the little crochet section so active again. We've had long bouts of it being quiet. That's one reason I wanted to host the Fall Swap and I thought it would inspire me to finish some unfinished projects that are sitting in my project basket.

It's going to be fun watching the process of what everyone makes w/ their swaps.
I don't hate you. We all have our ways. If yarn snobbishness is your worst problem, you're doing alright.

I completely understand as well. If we all had access to such beautiful yarns it would be a no brainer. Just that most people don't have affordable access to these yarns.

Then I'm doing okay then.

As a 'penance' I try to teach anyone local who shows interest in fiber arts and gives me the time of day how to spin yarn and will enable them with some spinning roving for free.
I completely understand as well. If we all had access to such beautiful yarns it would be a no brainer. Just that most people don't have affordable access to these yarns.

Then I'm doing okay then.

As a 'penance' I try to teach anyone local who shows interest in fiber arts and gives me the time of day how to spin yarn and will enable them with some spinning roving for free.


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