Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

I found a fine fiber shop near by and it's all your fault.
Just kidding!!!
I kind of stumbled upon it. They have Fiber Friday get togethers 2 x's a week. Mainly knitters, but there is a few crocheters in the bunch or jewelers. I had no idea they were a fiber store b/c it's called The Bead Place. They have fine beads & fibers. The only thing they require is a small purchase of something of theirs to work with to join in the fun. Very dangerous!!!
It's so quiet around the crochet section. You ladies must be busy. I need to go check the mail box and see if I have a surprise waiting for me. I've been so busy battling the leaves and cleaning all day. Things are still sooooooooooo back up in my house. I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. Just wanted to stop by and check in.
I've been busy also, trying to clean house for company coming next week. I'm also doing yardwork and quilting a quilt, so guess I'm like everyone else right now. I've been looking at granny square patterns to see if I can find a new one I like for the spring swap and have a few of the colors but will need to buy more. I hope everyone has a good weekend. There's a storm heading our way but might pass us like they usually do and just give us wind.
The last package has arrived.
Roccomanchickens your beautiful, beautiful squares have arrived safely.
I'm not sure if they came today or yesterday, b/c I forgot to check the mail yesterday.
I'm slacking on my hostess duties. I think you are the winner for paying the less $$$$ for shipping.

I will post some pics tomorrow. My house is filled w/ teenagers right now floating between the back patio bonfire and jamming in the basement, so need to keep an eye on them.

I battled the leaves all day today and cleaned off the back patio again. I wanted to get my bulbs in the ground, but ran out of time. Maybe I will get to them tomorrow.
I got a lot of inside cleaning done as well, but have loads more. It's been like a clutter fest here. A hairy, dusty clutter fest. Trying to reclaim it. We were thinking of going to Fla, but we might stay home. If we stay home then I always host Thanksgiving. Gotta get it clean either way. Uggggg!!!!!

I haven't looked at any patterns yet, but was eye balling some yarn that's sitting in a basket in the corner of my living room.
I know!!! Busy, busy, busy!!!!! Company coming in tuesday & wednesday, coop to finish, house to clean, unpacking yet to do... I love to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my whole family but what a rush to get everything done right after the move!!! I don't even know where my roasting pan is!

Ok, hysterical meltdown over. Better rest up for tomorrow.

Oh, I knew I should prioritize getting the house done but couldn't resist ordering the yarn for the spring swap and picking out a couple of motifs to experiment with.
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I can't wait for the squares! i'm super excited

We've been working on clearing out 2 bedrooms that have turned into storage rooms over the last 2 years... lots of furniture and stuff i'd forgotten was even there.
I'm excited too. I have to go to town this morning and didn't want to but birds and chickies need food so will go by Wally World and see what colors they might have and also pick up some black to join my blocks together on another projuct I'm close to finishing.

There is a weather warning coming in that says we could have heavy rain and snow below pass levels so our company might not make it. The Tehachapi pass is 4100 feet above sea level. It and the grapevine on I-5 could be blocked. I may have more food than I know what to do with.

Just came in from watering and feeding the chickens and it is darn cold out there. It is only 43 and I just checked radar and it shows a bif mass of green (rain) heading our way. Hope I get back home before it starts. Have a good one one and all!
Ok ladies....are you excited???
I was busy as a bee sorting, dividing, & taping up swap return packages yesterday. I have to take care of some Girl Scout Cookie business, but hope to head to the bank after that and then the Post Office this afternoon to ship off your beautiful, beautiful cozy swap squares.

Lindseymadora & Lealonna~ I hope you don't mind, but I had to bump yours up to one of the rectangle medium sized pay one price shipping boxes for both orders to fit to be shipped together.

jenjscott~ I hope you don't mind but I slipped yours in some ziplock bags I had at home and wrote your username on the bag, so no need to send me any labels or bags.

I want to thank each and everyone for participating in this swap. It has been a real pleasure and so much fun to host. I'm sooooooo looking forward to see what everyone creates w/ their return swaps. Ok, I'll update this afternoon and let you know about mailing status.

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