Cross Continental Friends!!!

hi i live in leicester, a "big city" compared to a "900 souls small town" (located in the middle of the UK) and am currently doing my a levels (no idea what that is in america, im basically 16 and in education). music wise i like a bit of everything. hobbies... well deffinitely keeping animals/pets, i play table tennis, i like a kick about (football, no not soccer, its called football) with my friends - not your average chicken enthusiast i guess! i have 4 hybrid layer hens and 3 pekin bantam cockerels which i bought as hens when they were younger which im currently rehoming! 7 chickens doesnt sound like much but it was a long battle to even get my parents to consider it seeing as we have a small garden and live in the city (cockerels dont crow toooo loud thank god!).
welcome to the thread!

Hi, tobit!
Your levels are basically the tail end of american high school and then the academic equivalent of year or so of our junior college once you start to get up to the O level stuff. Better you than me!
Sorry for the long silence, all, it's just that time of year. I spent an hour or so plotting my upcoming 'retirement' scheduled to occur on June 12, 2015. It's so dry here in california I've had to run the sprinklers and water the yard. I planted out roses on Monday, today was quinces and a Chinese red bud plus half a crate of irises someone gave me. We are finishing up the boxwood hedge here in a moment and I think I will try to get my figs and the crepe myrtles and the Peacotum (peach/apricot hybrid) in the ground.
Hope all is will with youse!

ahh okay! loving the sheep by the way would love to have some (if i had the space!)
thanks they are quit nice little animals.
Hi, tobit!
Your levels are basically the tail end of american high school and then the academic equivalent of year or so of our junior college once you start to get up to the O level stuff. Better you than me!
Sorry for the long silence, all, it's just that time of year. I spent an hour or so plotting my upcoming 'retirement' scheduled to occur on June 12, 2015. It's so dry here in california I've had to run the sprinklers and water the yard. I planted out roses on Monday, today was quinces and a Chinese red bud plus half a crate of irises someone gave me. We are finishing up the boxwood hedge here in a moment and I think I will try to get my figs and the crepe myrtles and the Peacotum (peach/apricot hybrid) in the ground.
Hope all is will with youse!

have anything exciting for your retirement? like a vacation or anything? you should take a picture of the flowers i never hear of those except the roses and the irisis and figs.
hi i live in leicester, a "big city" compared to a "900 souls small town" (located in the middle of the UK) and am currently doing my a levels (no idea what that is in america, im basically 16 and in education). music wise i like a bit of everything. hobbies... well deffinitely keeping animals/pets, i play table tennis, i like a kick about (football, no not soccer, its called football) with my friends - not your average chicken enthusiast i guess! i have 4 hybrid layer hens and 3 pekin bantam cockerels which i bought as hens when they were younger which im currently rehoming! 7 chickens doesnt sound like much but it was a long battle to even get my parents to consider it seeing as we have a small garden and live in the city (cockerels dont crow toooo loud thank god!).

Hey, I'm from the UK too! I'm 26 from Somerset with 3 cats and 5 runner ducks and we live in the middle of a town! Luckily our neighbours find our noisy ducks relaxing to listen too!

Hi, tobit!
Your levels are basically the tail end of american high school and then the academic equivalent of year or so of our junior college once you start to get up to the O level stuff. Better you than me!
Sorry for the long silence, all, it's just that time of year. I spent an hour or so plotting my upcoming 'retirement' scheduled to occur on June 12, 2015. It's so dry here in california I've had to run the sprinklers and water the yard. I planted out roses on Monday, today was quinces and a Chinese red bud plus half a crate of irises someone gave me. We are finishing up the boxwood hedge here in a moment and I think I will try to get my figs and the crepe myrtles and the Peacotum (peach/apricot hybrid) in the ground.
Hope all is will with youse!


hey stranger! Good to hear from you. Glad you are ok. So odd to hear it's dry over there, we've got the worst flooding and storms we've had in a long time! Bit scary really.

Hello peeps, I haven't been on here in forever.

Hey nice to "see" you. How are you doing?
Hey there! Thread looks fun :) I'm an American~ dull, I know! I'd love to travel to Iceland one day--- that's always been a dream of mine. I'm a wanna-be Montanan. Stuck in the South for now.

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