CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Okay, can we get on to BUCKEYES now?
Fred's hens, would it be useful to post the SOP for each breed at the beginning of that unit? That would give those of us unfamiliar with a particular breed, a starting point in understanding what we are seeing as the photos are posted.

Th information in the ABA/APA Standards is protected by copyright.

The next unit will continue with the American Class and will discus Miss Hattie Metcalf's birds, the Buckeye.
'Scuse me, but that would be Mrs. Nettie Metcalf, and that's all I'll say about the Buckeye.

Now I'm going to sit back and let the breed experts take over.
'Scuse me, but that would be Mrs. Nettie Metcalf, and that's all I'll say about the Buckeye.

Now I'm going to sit back and let the breed experts take over.
Yes indeed. That brain freeze will be corrected. You know how you know and then you type something else? LOL
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Th information in the ABA/APA Standards is protected by copyright.


Thank you very much, Walt. As we suspected. Thus, we will not be posting the SOP, nor linking to any club that may have the SOP posted as we cannot determine any permissions granted. Obviously, it is beyond our control what is available on the web and anyone can Google and find this and read it.

Note: this thread only works when folks take the initiative for it's momentum. I'm off on a short road trip. Gotta deliver some birds and check on the birds on our other farms.

Those who breed and love Buckeyes, it is entirely up to you. Novices and students alike. A classroom has students, not just the professors.
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Fred's hens, would it be useful to post the SOP for each breed at the beginning of that unit? That would give those of us unfamiliar with a particular breed, a starting point in understanding what we are seeing as the photos are posted.

Please be aware that the Standard of Perfection is copyright to the American Poultry Association and cannot be posted here without their explicit permission. If you wish to contact them to do so, you may via email at [email protected]. But the APA is pretty strict about people posting the Standard on websites. Our breed club, the American Buckeye Poultry Club, specifically asked permission from them to do so on our website, and was granted same. I don't know of any others who were given permission to do so.

Because the APA makes revenues from the sale of the Standard, it's not something they want published all over the Internet, and rightfully so. So please folks, do not just put the various breed Standard pages online without asking first.

That being said, if you wish, you can refer to the Standard for the Buckeye at this link: http://www.americanbuckeyepoultryclub.com/Standard.html


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Here are a few images of some of the birds in my flock, taken this past February:

A 2012 young hen. I really like her a lot, if I could add anything to her, it would be a little larger size all around. Her color is quite nice, and I have reduced the "poofiness" in the saddle that Bob Gilbert used to tease me about.

A 2012 young cock bird. I like this male a lot too. He is the culmination of many years of breeding for me. He's got the nice long sickle feathers that I've worked on for many years, a good strong shank and yellow leg, a nice tight pea comb (another trait I like a lot), a nice tight wing carriage, a very good front end, and some really good glossy color. I am proud of this male.

2010 older hen on Left, 2012 young hen on Right

This is the same young bird as above, and the hen on the left has held up well. In the past, in some lines (in particular the Brown line) hens tended to fade after the first molt, and it has taken some time to cull that out of my flock. A strong infusion of Urch blood over several years has removed most of that from my flock, and I am seeing pretty good staying power in the color of my hens now. She has a little of the "poofiness" that Bob Gilbert so dislikes, but not too much so I have retained her as a breeding bird.
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Please be aware that the Standard of Perfection is copyright to the American Poultry Association and cannot be posted here without their explicit permission. If you wish to contact them to do so, you may via email at [email protected]. But the APA is pretty strict about people posting the Standard on websites. Our breed club, the American Buckeye Poultry Club, specifically asked permission from them to do so on our website, and was granted same. I don't know of any others who were given permission to do so.

Because the APA makes revenues from the sale of the Standard, it's not something they want published all over the Internet, and rightfully so. So please folks, do not just put the various breed Standard pages online without asking first.

That being said, if you wish, you can refer to the Standard for the Buckeye at this link: http://www.americanbuckeyepoultryclub.com/Standard.html


Yes, this point has been discussed at length since my original post several days ago.

Regarding the photos you posted, can you critique them for us? The goal of CSU, rather than being an online poultry show, is to post pictures of the birds and then offer your own critique - what you are working towards, the traits that lead you to keep or cull a particular bird. Later, if there are any judges around familiar with the breed, they may offer their input as well.
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