CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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I use hatching baskets made of hardware cloth. I thing they give the chicks more freedom of movement than sacks do. The sack is an additional barrier to overcome in addition to the shell.
Edit: I forgot to add, and this is probably something that I'm doing wrong, but the more I hatch, the lower percentage I'll keep. Like on a breed I hatch 50 of I'll keep 5 or so, but another breed if I hatch 300 I'll keep 3...no idea why, just going over old records this morning and noticed that trend.
Maybe because when you have alot of birds to choose from, you can afford to be pickier?
That's how it works for me. For example, it might take as long as five months to make my final selection, but out of almost 70 cockerels last year, I kept only one to breed from.
I found these at the dollar store. I just slip them inside a hose protector. I can get 3 of them in my incubator. They come in a few different sizes.
Well, I've looked and I have NO idea where they may have gone but I can't find the pics of my Buckeyes from the 2011 Winter show. So, I'm having to go from memory (which is NOT the best) but here is a pic of a cockerel that I think is last year's son from the cockerel I mentioned:

I took this pic to point out the beetle green smut showing up in the wing bays and the pinkish legs. The one I took to the show the year before didn't have that but I think the tails was about the same length. I saw where Walt is gonna be away but hopefully you'll see this when you get back and can comment.

Also, since I'm posting a pic, here are a couple of last year's pullets:

Happy to hear any feedback and critque of these two.

God Bless,

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