Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

Cubalaya in TN~ Please help!!!!
We would like to locate Ms. Caroline
I did the same look up, without the Georgia. I found the same one and the web site says she lives on her farm in Athens, GA. Could be she is an artist AND has Cubalayas.

Hey it can't hurt to ask!

OK, I just searched Montague Cubalaya and found

in the site

I'm not a member of either so I can't see profile details but my guess is it is the same person. Latest Email I saw was in a Jul 30 post on ultimate fowl which matches the email on the artist's site.
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I got in touch with her and she does have some extra birds, she has decent birds too. But she's still four hours away from me. So I might not be getting any. Thanks for the info though.
Ah, 4 hours is nothing. It is no worse round trip than a one way trip L.A. to San Francisco. People do it all the time. You've probably spent more than that just trying to find a "local" source for Cubalayas.

There has to be SOMETHING in Athens you have always wanted to see/do but haven't made the time yet (even if you have no idea what is there, certainly I do not). Get the chickens some good magazines to read on the trip back and they'll be fine.
LOL, your right, it is really nothing. Especially considering that we're used to 20 hour drives straight going up to RI. I certainly will be making a trip. I'm waiting to see if it will be there or to doc's place in SC.
Okay so I need to stay off of BYC
. I am wanting to create a sustainable little farm, I have 5.5 acres. I keep changing what breed I should have. First I was looking for a "dual" purpose breed, but came across a comment made by gallorojo and it was actually to the point in what I was thinking. My guys go through a ton of food even though they get to free range, so what happens when I can't buy food anymore. The other thing I was going after was an autosexed breed (not sex linked) but then again, the more I started thinking about it, why would that be a really great thing, I don't cull upon hatch anyway and if the boys could get a little weight then be used as meat, why not keep them. So I have gone through this whole thread (yes I skimmed a bit LOL) but I still have a few questions/clarifications:

Egg Production: Medium sized egg, point of lay is approx 28-32 weeks (7-8 months), approx 160 per year? I read a few post that say they don't lay during the winter, then another said something about not laying during the summer. I am a little confused on that point. Also, since I am in TX would that make a difference?

Heat Tolerance: How do they handle the heat? I have spent all summer running out frozen bottles of water to keep my guys cool, kind of tired of that. Also, on a rain water system but my current birds go through 5 gallons a day, what about these guys?

Cold Tolerance: Seems from other post they are good at that, does not get supper cold here, but every now and then it can, do they need a heat lamp?

Attitude: I would not mix them with my other chickens, however, if they were out free ranging, would they attack my other breeds?

Meat Age: At what point do they reach a big enough size to kill for meat, I think I saw 20 weeks just wanted to confirm

Terms: Why aren't they called Roos? I don't have an issue with that, just a bit of curiosity LOL

I saw a post that there is gent named Sam Brush in TX however I did a search and can not find him. Any help you can offer there is greatly appreciated.

Finally, I also saw that OEGB are a good breed for sustainability, why in your opinion are these better?

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