Cuckoo Marans (seen on craigslist for sale) price and info needed


11 Years
Dec 15, 2008
north east Georgia
I found a trio a cuckoo marans for sale on C/L they are about 70 mls from where I live, and the price is $50.00.My question is are they worth the price and the drive and are they sitters or will I have to incubate the eggs . the trio are almost laying age.
I would find out what for line they are from, do they have feathered legs or are they clean leg? If they are marans they should have white legs, NOT yellow. The marans club is not working on getting them in the APA yet, but when they do start to work on getting them in the APA, they are going to go for the feathered legs. They are good sitters, nice size birds and can cover a good 10 or 12 eggs under them. My hens are nice tame birds, but my roos are mean sometimes and I know a few others where the hens are very tame but the roos get mean.

Let us know what you do and good luck..................
Thank you for the information, If there not sold already I was going to pick them up, but now I will have some questions, thanks I aways hate to buy something without knowing something about it
I'm in northeast GA as well, Royston, and I've got some I can sell you for $36 for a trio. Young birds just starting to lay. Clean legged.

worst case senario a chicken is beutiful NO MATTER what her lines are!!!!

I had a guy who wanted to sell me a welsummer that was all beat up (pecked) for 30 bucks. I couldnt see paying that!

but I have to say right now my chicken fettish has not graduated to an obsession so I will take mutt chicks... as long as they lay and are not MEAN!

Good luck!
If the birds are not laying yet, then you dont know what the egg will look like. You cant always go by the color of egg it came from either, just cause it came from a real dark egg, dont mean it will lay a real dark egg, or visa versa.

Some of my cuckoo hens lay very light eggs, but I kept them cause I really like the birds, they are very tame, sweet hens, I just love them, so to me it didnt matter how dark their eggs were cause I just really liked the hens. Plus they are such good mommas...........

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