Disease diagnosis


In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2017
Yes I know that bio-security is the most important part of raising chickens, but I am having difficulty deciding what disease nearly wiped out our flock. I am doing my best with the chicken yard.
What I need is a simple check list, this symptom present, yes or no ... go to question so and so. Anything like that available? It gets quite confusing when you read through a list of 20 possible diseases and have to keep going back to previous articles to check up.
Secondly, having diagnosed the disease, in which cases can I eat the dead birds, alternatively feed to the dogs? Asking this of course because I don't want to get ill myself / harm the dogs / transmit the disease to healthy chickens.
We already ate one of the 40 chickens in the freezer with no ill effects but I didn't think about the possible consequences at the time.
Hi @davidinthailand :frow Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry to hear about your losses.

There are so many conditions/diseases that affect chickens it may be hard to narrow it down without having some testing done. Do you have a vet or an agricultural testing center that can help you determine the cause?

I don't see any mention of symptoms - sometimes listing those may give a clue so we can point you in the right direction.

Common Poultry Diseases --- there is a table at the bottom of this page that may help you with comparisons: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
Poultry DVM - this site has a symptom checker and listings of different diseases http://www.poultrydvm.com/

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