Dixie Rainbows Thread

It has been really hot here, so they are all hiding under the porch. The Dixies are about 20 weeks old (and most are laying already) and the RIRs are 7 months old - and the Dixies weigh about twice what the others do! Next year I plan to get some Dixie boys and see how they do for meat birds. I'll keep a couple of the nicest boys to start trying to breed some of my own too. :)

Marvelous pictures. Thanks.
It has been really hot here, so they are all hiding under the porch. The Dixies are about 20 weeks old (and most are laying already) and the RIRs are 7 months old - and the Dixies weigh about twice what the others do! Next year I plan to get some Dixie boys and see how they do for meat birds. I'll keep a couple of the nicest boys to start trying to breed some of my own too. :)

My girl is 19 weeks. I'm hoping she will start laying any day now. How big are their eggs and do they lay every day?
It has been really hot here, so they are all hiding under the porch. The Dixies are about 20 weeks old (and most are laying already) and the RIRs are 7 months old - and the Dixies weigh about twice what the others do! Next year I plan to get some Dixie boys and see how they do for meat birds. I'll keep a couple of the nicest boys to start trying to breed some of my own too. :)

Saw this and am contemplating getting a batch of straight run from Mcmurray (Mcmurray calls them "Pioneers") You still plan on getting some males?
We've been prepping for our new chicks and they finally arrived at our local TSC tonight. They have Dixie Rainbows (straight run) and we never heard of them but decided to take a chance and bought 2 (hopefully pullets) along with the last 3 Golden Comets and 2 Barred Rocks. So this is the first thread we found about this breed and all we can say is, WOW! They're going to be huge! Looking forward to this adventure as we are new chicken owners but did lots of homework so they get the best care we can offer.

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