Do easter eggers and wyandottes usua;;y have to be older to lay?


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Joelton, TN
We introduced three younger hens into our flock a couple of months ago, an easter egger, silver laced wyandotte, and red sex linked - they should all be about the same age. the sex-linked has been laying for about three weeks, but haven't seen any indication that the ee or wyandotte are (the wyandotte may be, but we don't think so). Are the easter eggers and wyandottes older when they start to lay generally?
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I've got Wyandottes and they are a slower maturity breed. I finally got the first egg from my SLW pullets yesterday and they are 32 weeks old today. My BLR and Blue Wyandottes also take their sweet time getting going.
My three EE are 25 weeks old and not laying. I think it is the time of year that causes them to lay a bit later now. I am not looking for eggs until after dec. from them really. It would be a nice surprise though to get some earlier. Mines combs are getting a bit darker and larger so maybe sooner than I think. I hope so.. We are soooooooo.... wanting eggs from them to find out the colors. LOL Gloria Jean
My EEs started laying at 20 weeks old
so far we have had lovely blues, shades of green and cream colored.
My SLW started laying at 21. She's an oddball. Mine are all out of order from what I've ready, though; I think I have a Java that's going to be next (they're supposed to be late maturing) and my Wellies look like they're months off yet (moderately early maturing).

It all depends on the line that they're from.
Everyone's an individual. I have 3 EE's - one layed at 21 weeks, 2 waitied till they were 26 weeks. My Wyandottes are about 21 weeks now, and one of the three just started to squat for me to pet...I'm hoping for an egg from her soon. But the other two...???
Hmm... I think ours may be related. Our SLW lives in her own little world.

As for our wyandottes, they started to lay around 20 weeks. One EE started at 18 and the other EE still hasn't started laying at 34 weeks. So, yes, I think they are breeds that usually take a bit longer to mature, but there is also individual variance.

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