Sponsored Post Do you celebrate the holidays with your chickens? Tell us how!

I saw them on the blog! This pic is AWESOME!!! love all the colors and your girl!

Do you have any input on the Christmas lights? I would love to hang some but am so paranoid, even with the dogs in the house with the tree!
Hey sister! Where've you been? Missing you on Pinning with my Peeps! My chickens pay no attention to the Christmas lights in the run. They are strung where they can't reach them and they're in bed by the time they go on anyway. If you're concerned about the lights, you might consider rope lighting. I used to use it inside my coops for supplemental lighting in the darker months to keep egg production going.

Hey sister! Where've you been? Missing you on Pinning with my Peeps! My chickens pay no attention to the Christmas lights in the run. They are strung where they can't reach them and they're in bed by the time they go on anyway. If you're concerned about the lights, you might consider rope lighting. I used to use it inside my coops for supplemental lighting in the darker months to keep egg production going.
Busy here and there, I pop in every so often, been a hatchaholic lately and of course all the holidays too!

I didnt even think about rope lights!!! shopping tomorrow! Plus deco the coop tomorrow!
I like the stocking ideas too, but my family already thinks I am "nuts"
Great idea with feed bags! BTW I am surprising Harmony with the "Henbag" purse for Christmas to go with the change purse you sent! I am sure it will stand above all else!
Happy Holidays!! I will post pics too of the girls and coop!

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