Dog thread!šŸ¾

Silken windhound? I really like them! but its a no sighthound household here šŸ™
Couldnā€™t certain ones be okay if raised with them? I seem to remember reading that about greyhounds for example. Idk about others. But for example, Brewster is EXTREMELY high prey drive and chases and kills many small, furry things but he loves Luna. Hates other cats though. Barks and freaks out so no clue what he would do if he actually met another one. It probably wouldnā€™t be good. But because he was raised with Luna, he accepts her as part of the family.
Couldnā€™t certain ones be okay if raised with them? I seem to remember reading that about greyhounds for example. Idk about others. But for example, Brewster is EXTREMELY high prey drive and chases and kills many small, furry things but he loves Luna. Hates other cats though. Barks and freaks out so no clue what he would do if he actually met another one. It probably wouldnā€™t be good. But because he was raised with Luna, he accepts her as part of the family.
I have heard about them getting along with cats but they also donā€™t really fit into my life in any other way either šŸ˜…
From what I understand, sighthounds can be OK with cats inside the house. But as soon as the cat goes outside, it becomes a problem
Hmmm interesting. Brews fine with her inside or out. Granted heā€™s not a sighthound but still. He does have the prey drive.
There is nothing wrong with liking protective dogs, I love them! But you donā€™t need to put down smaller dogs šŸ˜• its your attitude I have issue with more then what you said
I dont shame small dogs just wont ever own one under 20lbs. As im super active. My grandparents have a tea cup yorkie, a shih tzu(he doesnt like doors so you have to watch him. And he is turning brown around his mouth and he is all black) then a 10 YO yorkie mix. She looks close to the tea cup but bigger. and was rescued off the side of the road.

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