Dog Vomiting w/Diarrhea **Update Pg 2**


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
South of KCMO
My son's mastiff x rott named Mocha started getting sick today. She was feed at 7am and at around noon she got sick, it looked like her dog food. I took her inside because I thought maybe she got to hot. She drank some water. DH and I came in from the garden and she had gotten sick two more times and now has diarrhea. She had her shots last month on April 9th and she is now 5 1/2 months old. The vet of course is not open tomorrow due to Memorial day. Her vomit now is stomach bile and she has refused drink and food. My son is just beside himself and I don't know what to do for her. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

She did not eat anything or get into anything. She has licked our calves on the nose and yesterday my DH sprayed the calves with permthicin (sp) for biting flies. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. He's now trying to feed her yogurt.

Here's her pic from about a month ago...
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Sorry to hear that your Mocha is sick. I don't think licking the calves would cause that, but I'm not a vet either. If it hasn't kept any food or water down all day, I think a trip to emergency vet is in order, if not tonight then tomorrow am. Good luck.

Imp-hates being sick, hates it worse when pets are sick
I second the suggestion of a trip to the ER vet.
One thing that always worries me with rotts and rott mixes is that they *can* be more prone to contracting parvo than some of the other breeds out there. It is often recommended that they receive an additional vaccine after their puppy series. How many vaccines did your pup have ? How far apart ?

I'm not saying that's what Mocha has but her symptoms and breed mix make me worry .
I hope it's just a simple tummy upset and shes back to normal soon.
A trip to the ER vet would be the best for her right now ( imho )

for speedy healing of whatever ails her .
I ws also thinking parvo. It acts fast and will kill a puppy fast. It that is what it is you need to call the vet and get her checked now, don't wait. WE don't have an animal ER here but we can call and get them to come to the office any hour or day.

If she hasn't been wormed lately try that. My chihuahua will have the symptoms of parvo and I worm her and she is fine the next day. She even gets the bloody dirreah like with parvo and won't eat. And not eating for her means she is really sick. When it comes to food she is like a crack head and she sometimes gets called that.

You could try worming her if she hasn't been done lately.

Here is the crack head. Her real name is Powder.
Parvo tends to have a very distinctive smell. If her diarrhea is really foul smelling or has any blood in it, I would really think Parvo. Even without those two things, Parvo is the first thing I think of when a puppy has vomiting and diarrhea. I would get her to the vet as soon as possible.
My chihuahua got into cat food once, it was a fish flavor, and it almost killed her, she vomited & had diarrhea every 15 minutes all night.
I took her to the vet the next morning, and they told me fish was VERY deadly for some dogs.
Any chance your pup ate a bag of cat food?
So sorry, it is SO very distressing when our pets get sick!
Hope the pup feels better soon!
vomiting and diarrhea desperately calls for a vet visit....if your vet isn't open you need to find out who in the area handles emergencies. Vomiting and diarrhea without drinking regardless of cause will rapidly cause dehydration and could very quickly cause need to get him to a vet as soon as you can!
Just returned from the urgent care. Parvo test was negative and the vet herself was perplexed really. She is not dehydrated, gums look good but she had a slight temp. I took it before we left and it was normal. I'm giving her pepto per vet suggestion and ice cubes. If she goes 24 hours without vomiting then I will introduce some rice. If she's not better by tomorrow afternoon I will call my personal vet. The vet seems to think she ate something w/o our knowledge. What she could of gotten into is hard to imagine as she's never alone and when she is she's in her kennel. All shots were given to her last month by the vet along with worming. She is suppose to return this week for her boosters and to be spayed.

Hopefully she has an easy night.

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