Dog with UTI?


Jun 3, 2017
I know this site is primarily for foul, but you have always given me a lot of help! Recently my Doberman turned 10 and we let my motherinlaw watch her for a few days when we had to attent a funeral out of state. When we got back her eye was very red & I took her to the vet. Well $280 dollars later and a non-diagnosis her eye looks some better.

My issue is that she really started having accidents in the house when this happened. I noticed that with a few of these accidents she left some crystally-looking substance in the urine, like little piles of it. I looked it up and I think that she has a UTI, does anyone have any experience with treating this successfully at home? I have been giving her vitamin C with her food every day for a couple of weeks with no improvement. All of the Vets out here are very expensive and so I was wondering if anyone had any at home advice? Otherwise I will try to find a lower-cost vet.
I think I read that Apple Cider Vinegar in their water will help with a UTI. 1-2 Tablespoons in her bowl of water and make sure that is the only water she has so she drinks it. My dogs don't mind a little ACV in their water, but if she is not feeling well she may not want to drink it.
Yeah, I tried the ACV, but she wouldn't drink it, but maybe I used too much. I will try again and start out slowely.

Thanks :)
Not all UTI's require antibiotics and I actually found the ACV recommendation on a vet site.
How long has she been having urinary problems? It may be more than just an infection, it could be bladder stones of some sort.

I would look for a large animal vet that also treats pets. I find the farm vets tend to have more realistic pricing. Are there people with horse around where you live?
All I can say is that when I had a UTI, vitamin C didn't help but antibiotics did. I wonder if you could talk to a livestock vet and maybe have him tell you how to collect a sterile urine sample. Then you could have it tested to see what the problem is.
I get frequent utis and have tried a host of home remedies and cried myself to sleep in distress because I didn't have money for a doctor and wanted to try non expensive remedies and it SUCKED. Every UTI ends in a doctors visit. Don't put your animal through that. Give them a ton of water and just get the antibiotics. No amount of vinegar and cranberries will solve the problem but it may cover it up for a while while it travels up to their kidneys and becomes very expensive. :p
a couple years ago my dog had a uti turned out she had bladder stones and had to have an operation if you can catch her having a wee and get a container under her you might get a sample ,I had to use a small syringe and get her to wee on a hard place and syringe it up ,I hope this works for you ,you don't need a lot
Yeah, I get them too, Doc says he thinks my nerves in my kidneys are damaged, because I usually don't go to the doc until the pains interrupts my sleep & by then is really bad. Lately my kidneys hurt for no reason, they can't find anything wrong, so I just lay off the ibuprofen.

She has been having accidents close to a month. She knows she's doing it because she ducks her head and hides.

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