Dominique Thread!

U have a beautiful rooster I'm getting some dominque hens Sunday I can't wait I'm so excited I will send u pics of my new girls also how should I show them there new home;)

I am not sure what you mean. Are you getting baby chicks? How old are they? And do you already have chickens?

In general i just put mine in the coop. If the coop is large enough, i lock them in only the coop for the first three days. If the coop is too small to lock them up for a few days, then i have to herd them in at night until they learn.

I like to spend time with mine. I will sit quietly and watch them, and train them to come when i call ( i toss out cracked corn, or earthworms, or some other treat).

My girls, Starr and Maude, with their "guard dog" in the background.
I am getting 3 Dom's in my order tomorrow. I have ordered chickens in the past and I don't know why I am so nervous about it. I am almost Giddy! Looking forward to meeting them. I also ordered 6 mottled cochin bantams and 3 blue orpingtons.

I usually keep them in the bathroom but my parents are visiting for a few months....So I think I need to set up in the Laundry room this time.

I have posted the photo of my Grandmother before with her Dom's so I won't post it again but I am really excited to raise the same kind of chickens she had on her families farm.

Hello, so glad I found this group!!!! I have 2 dom girls and a dom roo, along with 2 Amercaunas and one girl we think is a heritage RIR. I love my doms, although I can't just walk up and ouck them up they are super tame. They are such a wonderful breed to have and get along with my others quite well.

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