Dominique Thread!

We got our Dominque chicks yesterday!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on the new Dominickers! I have to tell what my two 6 week old dom girls did. I put them in a chicken tractor with some 30 wk old seabrights who ignored them at first. Then the dominant seabright started slightly attacking the doms. The dominickers are already as big as the seabrights but are much more docile. As soon as I opened the door, they jumped into my arms and had to be consoled. Much different from the seabrights who I have to chase to move from one place to the next!
I have 3 Hens and A Rooster I purchased five from BYC absolutely love mine,,,, Lost one of my Hens though she was fine and then for three days acted sickly I honestly thought she was fixin to start setting but died instead RIP Karletta.
One of the Hens is a Barr rock or something though comb is different than the Roos Oh yea hatched one egg out of 8 so I am back to having five. Check them out...

I know theyre still young (around a month old) i have 10 babies like this ones the place where i got them sold them to me as all females but i start thinking that probably at least 2 of them are roosters, noticed the combo in the chick to the left is a bit more redish, thicker and longer, but they both still have black in thelegs which i know is comun in the hens, somebody with a good eye can can tell if is a roost one of this chicks or both pullets?

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