d'Uccle color genetics

My Goldneck cockeral has small wattles but still more than I wanted, an more than my MF roo does. And yet the Goldneck was picked as BB BV at the most recent show over the MF roo who used to win BB BV regularly.

GypsyChic, I have some pics of my little blackbirds on my facebook account, but not on here yet. I'm a little disappointed because some of the ones with mottling appear to have waaaaayyyy more mottling than the d'Uccle standard calls for.
One that has very little mottling, and that I feel may be 90% perfect, has a comb that I don't like

But they are all very young yet, and not entirely without down still. So too soon to be 100% sure of anything.

I know exactally what you mean about the combs...my best mille roo has a fat comb with dull nobs. However, he took Best Trio in open at Delaware Co w/2 of my girls. Soooo, I love the breed and will continue stepping from one stone to another until I get the results I want. If there were such a thing as a "perfect" bird, we'd have no goals of improvement to work toward...JMO
Hi hun, I'm not an expert breeder by any means, but most Lavender roos have a tendancy to lack more in beard (thus showing a bit more wattle) than say a MF roo would. That's something I've been working on in my own lavy boys for a couple years now. Also if you notice, some (not all) porc boys seem to be lacking in this same area. I raise both colors, and I also have golden necks, MF and several 'project' pens with silver, lav mottled, black and other colors without *exacting definitions*...none of them seem to have issues w/beards and/or wattles as do the lavenders. I posted on the other d'uccle thread today, but think I'll continue with adding promised pics, to THIS thread if the rest of you dont mind me jumping abord
Either way, IMHO it's something that us breeders need to be working on together in order to continue to preserve the purity & quality of the lavs. Think I'll go throw on the camo and
now B4 I get

PS. Sorry to intrude or bust in on the thread...

<---- still in camo!

OH, PLEASE!!!!! I'm so glad you're here!! It's great to have new contributors to the thread. We've lost some/one unfortunately that were/was very valuable, and I personally am always looking for folks to bounce things off of. I really love these birds, but I'd like to take them seriously and as I'm sure you know, there are a lot of folks that just want to tell pet stories about them. Of course that is fine and understandable since they make great pets, but that isn't what I wanted to do with this thread. I really appreaciate your feedback about my guy. I was feeling so discouraged about him, I was almost ready to take him to the swap our poultry club is holding this weekend.
Actually I've got a terrible picture of him, taken at night, but you can see the wattles I'm talking about in the picture.
The only bad thing about this is, you can't see the GOOD reasons why I want to keep him.

WOW!!! I wouldn't kick that black pullet out 'a bed for eatin' crackers! She's a knock out.

While we're at it, I've got one I'm kind of pleased with, she's just a MF, but I think she's looking pretty sharp.

Oh lordy, I'm gonna get obnoxious now.
I've got one more, 4 mo old pullet:
This is my little surprise baby that hatched out under a cochin hen and missed a seriously deep cut in my flock this past summer. She just appeared one day.
Oh and the other problem is, I've got to try and get any pictures on the sly.

or with a telephoto

She doesn't show much in the way of a beard yet, but I hope that will fill out. She just has just nice type.
They are looking good. I love MFs and can't wait for my 6 week old trio to grow up and fill out in their colorings its so exciting to check them out every few days and see such a major difference.

That is the same bird, just younger in the first picture.
I should have clarified with the post.
Okay you guys I don't know to ask it here or the other regular D'uccle thread but its kind of a color wonder since I seen the blacks...

I have this little D'uccle that was sold to me as a perceived mixed, but she's way too well filled out and feathered in the feet and hocks that I really believe she's a d'uccle cross...

Shes black with gold laced neck/hackles. - great little beard, very upright tail and very similar to other MFs build I've seen in the chest/neck area... What do you think I know it isn't the greatest picture and I plan to get a better one of the front and side later, but what do you think between what you can see and the coloring - is a pure D'uccle or a mix?

Looks like a Brown Red d'uccle almost, from Ideal anyway. Or crossed colored d'uccle.
Either way, the bird itself looks about spot on with a d'uccle. I agree.

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