Duck Videos Thread!

Yeah, they always acted like they were starving until they got to be free-range. Even when they were older and in a fenced pen, they still were really hungry every time we fed them.


Now that my flock is free range, they don't eat NEARLY so much of what I provide!
Yeah, they always acted like they were starving until they got to be free-range. Even when they were older and in a fenced pen, they still were really hungry every time we fed them.

Ducks are total piggies! I think in the wild they have to constantly eat to get enough calories on their mostly herbivorous diet, so in captivity I feel like that instinct never really goes away. Poor things. I give mine lotsa greens to offset it, if I gave them all the kibble they wanted I wouldn't have ducks, I'd have two curling stones with bills!
Ducks are total piggies! I think in the wild they have to constantly eat to get enough calories on their mostly herbivorous diet, so in captivity I feel like that instinct never really goes away. Poor things. I give mine lotsa greens to offset it, if I gave them all the kibble they wanted I wouldn't have ducks, I'd have two curling stones with bills!
Yeah, they always acted like they were starving until they got to be free-range. Even when they were older and in a fenced pen, they still were really hungry every time we fed them.


Now that my flock is free range, they don't eat NEARLY so much of what I provide!
I've never seen my Muscovy's eat like that but they do free range and I keep feed out for them during daylight hours. That looks almost like gorging . Beautiful Scovy's.
I've never seen my Muscovy's eat like that but they do free range and I keep feed out for them during daylight hours. That looks almost like gorging . Beautiful Scovy's.

They don't gorge anymore (except when it's dry and harder to find forage), now that they're free range. I only offer food once a day (or twice when it's dry) and sometimes they'll hardly touch it. They just find so much from foraging.

First time a duckling ventured to have a bath...
Back then, as a first-time duck owner, even little things seemed exciting!

They don't gorge anymore (except when it's dry and harder to find forage), now that they're free range. I only offer food once a day (or twice when it's dry) and sometimes they'll hardly touch it. They just find so much from foraging.

First time a duckling ventured to have a bath...
Back then, as a first-time duck owner, even little things seemed exciting!

I have had Muscovy for 11 yrs and still enjoy watching ducklings when they first discover water. They enjoy it so much. You make great videos.
I love taking videos and pictures of my Muscovy ducks. Here are some videos of my flock...I hope they will bring a smile to your face (or even a laugh), and possibly even educate you. (Maybe my Assisting Duckling Hatch will be helpful to someone?)

The opening and closing scenes are on ALL my videos; they're kind of like my “trademark.”

I post a new video on YouTube about once a week. Every time I get I new video uploaded, I'll post it on this thread, so check back later!

Coming up soon are some more interesting videos than these starter ones. I have some that are really funny that aren't ready to upload yet. Eventually I will have some more informative ones, as well, such as one about various natural duck treats.

Video 1: Muscovy ducks Foraging

Short and not high quality, but can you see what a luxury these girls have? They only have to eat once a day; they forage so much. :)
Their names are Lilac, Apple, and Gracie. (Lilac is the same duck as in my avatar.)

I hope you like it! Does anyone else have nice duck videos they can post?

loved it. Great entertainment while riding the recumbent bike.
I've avoided posting videos to get "just the right thing" and have found out that will never come. I've now mastered duck language and can understand all the whispers that say, "Don't do anything cute. Mom has a camera in her hand." This is Skylar, one of our beautiful little keepers from this year. She love to fly, and she will typically shoot right out of the top of her brooding pen when it's opened. She of course didn't cooperate yesterday because she knew I had a camera, but here's a little video.
Weeeeeee, I saw Skylar fly. Cute. Little. Duck bird.
Due to tech problems and procrastination, this video has been nearly a month in the making. The Cucumber Thieves first share their favorite treat, but then Moon gets selfish and runs off with it. But she keeps dropping it and losing it. When she finds it again, another duck has it. She grabs it again and drops it again. Later, Moon steals it from Apple, but then she drops it on her foot, and Creamy and Daphne find it before she does. But who wins in the end?

(In the shot you see below, Apple has the cucumber, and Moon is behind her, looking for an opportunity to take it back.)


Silly ducks.

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