Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Ahh, you should have talked to vegans instead. They don't use any animal products, no eggs, dairy, honey, etc.

Vegetarians- well it depends on what kind of vegetarian. Some do dairy,no eggs. Some do eggs, no dairy. Some are OK with both eggs and dairy but no flesh. Some do fish, most don't (fish- cold blooded).

It's very confusing if you try to lump all the non-meat eaters together. It made trying to order pizzas for working lunches almost impossible!

No animal products of any kind (not even to wear such as fur or leather), but fruit, nuts and veggies ok = vegan
No meat, eggs, or milk, but fur/leather ok = vegetarian
No meat or eggs, but milk products ok = lacto-vegetarian
No meat or milk products, but eggs ok = ovo-vegetarian
No meat, but eggs and milk ok = ovo-lacto-vegetarian
No warm blooded-animal flesh, but fish ok = pescetarian
No animal products or veggies, only fruit that has ripened and fallen from the tree naturally = hungry (er, fruititarian)
And, the most recent addition to the list, people who eat meat some days, but not every day = flexitarian (that would be moi)

I wonder if those who now insist on staying away from gluten are glutetarians? Or, unless they have specific allergies or celiac disease and are just following a trend, fool-itarians? I'm sure they'll soon come up with a name for it.
I'm glad you didn't sell the chick to them. Trying to undercut the price on a rare chick tells me they probably can't be trusted to take proper care of it; the best food and good care don't come at the discount prices they'd want to pay.
There's so much wrong with this that I'm astounded. It's just all sorts of elitist, privileged mess.

Do you think that someone who takes financial aid (for college) is less likely to study? Because that's exactly the same thing. Do you think someone who haggles at a car dealership is less likely to take care of the car? Do you think that someone who adopts a pet is less likely to take care of it than someone who buys one?

Writing a bigger check doesn't make you a better person. I'm starting to think that this thread's main purpose is for people in here to prove how much better they are than everyone who isn't like them. It's abhorrent.
No animal products of any kind (not even to wear such as fur or leather), but fruit, nuts and veggies ok = vegan
No meat, eggs, or milk, but fur/leather ok = vegetarian
No meat or eggs, but milk products ok = lacto-vegetarian
No meat or milk products, but eggs ok = ovo-vegetarian
No meat, but eggs and milk ok = ovo-lacto-vegetarian
No warm blooded-animal flesh, but fish ok = pescetarian
No animal products or veggies, only fruit that has ripened and fallen from the tree naturally = hungry (er, fruititarian)
And, the most recent addition to the list, people who eat meat some days, but not every day = flexitarian (that would be moi)

I wonder if those who now insist on staying away from gluten are glutetarians? Or, unless they have specific allergies or celiac disease and are just following a trend, fool-itarians? I'm sure they'll soon come up with a name for it.

You forgot the breatharian. Yes, it's a real thing. Lol!
There's so much wrong with this that I'm astounded. It's just all sorts of elitist, privileged mess.

Do you think that someone who takes financial aid (for college) is less likely to study? Because that's exactly the same thing. Do you think someone who haggles at a car dealership is less likely to take care of the car? Do you think that someone who adopts a pet is less likely to take care of it than someone who buys one?

Writing a bigger check doesn't make you a better person. I'm starting to think that this thread's main purpose is for people in here to prove how much better they are than everyone who isn't like them. It's abhorrent.

Hear, hear! Been raising chickens and doing it very well on discount prices all my life, as has my mother and grandmother. Spending more money doesn't equal more common sense...actually, it tends to come hand in hand with less common sense. Anyone who would spend $7 on a chick isn't showing enough sense to be able take care of a bird properly in the first place. See how that works? It's a two way street.

It doesn't take a lot of money to give an animal good care, just good common sense. I'd say if a person could get a $7 item for $4 they are smarter than the person who paid full price for it. Kudos to her for trying!
There's so much wrong with this that I'm astounded. It's just all sorts of elitist, privileged mess.

Do you think that someone who takes financial aid (for college) is less likely to study? Because that's exactly the same thing. Do you think someone who haggles at a car dealership is less likely to take care of the car? Do you think that someone who adopts a pet is less likely to take care of it than someone who buys one?

Writing a bigger check doesn't make you a better person. I'm starting to think that this thread's main purpose is for people in here to prove how much better they are than everyone who isn't like them. It's abhorrent.

I won't answer for 7 Biddies, but as for myself, I come on this thread for fun. Sometimes judging happens here, but it may or may not be for the reasons we think. I really don't care what reasons other people have for making judgments about any statement I may make, and I don't really care why other people make statements that they do.

If something is funny to me, I laugh. If it's not, I move on to something else that makes me laugh. Life's too short for me to go around assuming I know what's in the heart or minds of other people, and to allow myself to be insulted or affronted by an assumption is, well, not for me.
There's so much wrong with this that I'm astounded. It's just all sorts of elitist, privileged mess.

Do you think that someone who takes financial aid (for college) is less likely to study? Because that's exactly the same thing. Do you think someone who haggles at a car dealership is less likely to take care of the car? Do you think that someone who adopts a pet is less likely to take care of it than someone who buys one?

Writing a bigger check doesn't make you a better person. I'm starting to think that this thread's main purpose is for people in here to prove how much better they are than everyone who isn't like them. It's abhorrent.

Boy, did my message get misconstrued! Chill out, people, your insecurities are showing.
You forgot the breatharian. Yes, it's a real thing. Lol!

Wow! I stand corrected. Never heard of that one. Could it be because adherents don't live long enough to tell the world about it?

From Wikl:

Inedia (Latin for "fasting") or breatharianism is the belief that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food. Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism. According to Ayurveda, sunlight is one of the main sources of prana, and some practitioners believe that it is possible for a person to survive on sunlight alone. The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy practiced as a lifestyle in place of the usual diet. Breatharianism is considered a lethal pseudoscience by scientists and medical professionals, and several adherents of these practices have died from starvation and dehydration.
Friend staying over making eggs: "Why is there a little red dot in this egg?"

Me: "It's bees fertilized. "

Friend: "So.. this is a baby?"

Me: "No, it's just a fertilized egg."

Friend: "You're pretty much doing a abortion at this point."

Me: "No... not ho-"


Me: "You win."
Now, if these folks were GMO, with implanted genes allowing photosynthesis... why just think of it... it would be the ultimate economy of diminishing one's foot print on the planet. Perhaps we can come up with some scientific grant to make it happen. But, then, they'd have to worry about herds of marauding cows and flocks of stampeding chickens hunting them down to graze.
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