Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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As a lacto-ovo-vegatarion/former farm kid who knows where food comes from, I thank you. I have been (for 25+ years) been defending my life and food choices from the uninformed masses. I do not and never will try to change your food choices. Hubby and the Young 'uns.eat meat but are free to make their own food choices to a point. Ok, I do make them eat healthy, not just sugar and highly processed foods. Don't ask me to cook you a steak but will occasionally nuke you a hotdog. Hubby learned early on if you send a vegetarian for a steak you will get the green $.99 special. I eat eggs because my chickens poop them out. I drink milk because 1) I like milk and it has protein and calcium. 2) Farming is more than just about animals. The small farmers in this country are up against factory farms. Don't get me started. 3) Because it's my choice. I have always wondered why people are offended or concerned about what I eat. It's not like I've given up chocolate. A vegetable if you were wondering.
After reading so many pages of this I thought I should add my own. I was telling my friend who was visiting recently that I was waiting for my chickens to start laying eggs and that my DH finally put a light up there for me. Her response was that since I haven't had them for a year I won't be getting any eggs until they are a year old. I told her that a lot of the breeds I had picked should start laying anytime and that they are earlier egg producers. She then, on the way out to look at the chickens, asked if I had a rooster. I told her I did not and she proceeded to tell me that without a rooster I won't get eggs any sooner because having a rooster around speeds up the process. Also I should get a couple older hens from someone because having girls who are already laying gets the younger ones laying sooner too. I'll admit I'm not sure whether the last one is true or not, but needless to say I got my first egg about a week after she left and I proceeded to text her and show her the pic of it. Once one of them started laying it did seem like all of them started to. I now have 8 who are laying.

Not related to chickens at all but I once worked with a girl and we were standing around one night talking about hunting and such and she looked at us and asked why we didn't hang at steak out to attract the deer so we could shoot them. My jaw literally dropped and I looked at the other person standing there before bursting out laughing.
Not sure exactly what she was thinking when she said it. But I couldn't believe that someone who had graduated high school thought that deer ate meat.
Not sure exactly what she was thinking when she said it. But I couldn't believe that someone who had graduated high school thought that deer ate meat.
I can't even imagine how a deer would eat a steak. A1 or bbq?

Not even city people in town are that...random? Like holy cow lol!
Now, as an avid deer hunter myself, I always follow all rules and regulations. I would never, EVAH hang meat in a tree to entice a deer to my spot - I mean, baiting deer is illegal!
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We have a Silkie like that. Sweet as can be......unless she's broody. When I hear that growl from her I respect it and toss some corn to her. She is a mean broody but keeps her babies safe.

my broody silkie was like that to all other chickens who dared near her chicks but any people could easily come near and handle her chicks or take a few or give a few lol. She adopted 3 more chicks than she hatched when they were 2 weeks old. She's a true mother. I will gladly let her hatch more for me when she goes broody again.
I can't even imagine how a deer would eat a steak. A1 or bbq?

Not even city people in town are that...random? Like holy cow lol!

I'm going with bbq. BBQ is always good. You're telling me. I work in retail so I deal with city people every summer and most of them that come into the store I work for have a bad attitude like they are better than everyone else, but most of them seem to have common sense.
Now, as an avid deer hunter myself, I always follow all rules and regulations. I would never, EVAH hang meat in a tree to entice a deer to my spot - I mean, baiting deer is illegal!

Didn't even go their with her. When I asked why she thought deer at meat she looked at us and asked "Aren't they carnivores?" It took everything I had not to laugh at her anymore.
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