Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I've read that female dogs not spayed before their first heat have a greater chance of developing breast tumors, and this increases to 25% chance of developing breast tumors if the dog is not spayed before her fourth heat. Not all breast tumors are malignant, but if an unspayed dog starts developing breast tumors then spaying will help reduce the risk of the tumors spreading.
I have a female dog that is 10 years old unsprayed, has never been pregnant, and she's in perfect health. Last check up the vet said he could see her living another 5.
One of my best friends when she saw my chicks for the first time:
Her: So what are you going to do with them?
Me: Eat the eggs.
Her: Gross! How can you eat a baby chicken?
Me: There won't be a baby chicken because I don't have roosters.
Her: Don't you need a rooster to get eggs?
Me: No...I will still get eggs from them, but they'll be unfertilized.
Her: I still don't know how you could eat the eggs.

Oh well...they will be great eggs when they start laying...I just won't bring her any...wouldn't want a baby chick to pop out! I just couldn't get it through to her that my eggs are the same as the eggs she buys at the store, only fresher and healthier!! She then said she is such an animal lover that she feels guilty for loving to eat meat!
One of my best friends when she saw my chicks for the first time:
Her: So what are you going to do with them?
Me: Eat the eggs.
Her: Gross! How can you eat a baby chicken?
Me: There won't be a baby chicken because I don't have roosters.
Her: Don't you need a rooster to get eggs?
Me: No...I will still get eggs from them, but they'll be unfertilized.
Her: I still don't know how you could eat the eggs.

Oh well...they will be great eggs when they start laying...I just won't bring her any...wouldn't want a baby chick to pop out! I just couldn't get it through to her that my eggs are the same as the eggs she buys at the store, only fresher and healthier!! She then said she is such an animal lover that she feels guilty for loving to eat meat!

No eggs for you!
One of my best friends when she saw my chicks for the first time:
Her: So what are you going to do with them?
Me: Eat the eggs.
Her: Gross! How can you eat a baby chicken?
Me: There won't be a baby chicken because I don't have roosters.
Her: Don't you need a rooster to get eggs?
Me: No...I will still get eggs from them, but they'll be unfertilized.
Her: I still don't know how you could eat the eggs.

Oh well...they will be great eggs when they start laying...I just won't bring her any...wouldn't want a baby chick to pop out! I just couldn't get it through to her that my eggs are the same as the eggs she buys at the store, only fresher and healthier!! She then said she is such an animal lover that she feels guilty for loving to eat meat!

No eggs for you!
I've read that female dogs not spayed before their first heat have a greater chance of developing breast tumors, and this increases to 25% chance of developing breast tumors if the dog is not spayed before her fourth heat. Not all breast tumors are malignant, but if an unspayed dog starts developing breast tumors then spaying will help reduce the risk of the tumors spreading.
I work in research, so believe me when I tell you that any number can be spun to tell a desired story. Heck a lot of the numbers are fabricated. There has actually been some very good work done lately that points to these previous claims about spaying and neutering to be incorrect. There is even research that says spaying and neutering can cause some life long health problems. Who knows for sure? Unless I have the entire study and its content in front of me I don't give the "numbers" a lot of weight. I get my dogs and cats fixed because I don't want more dogs and cats. Not because it has a slight or possibly nonexistent health effect.
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What would you *spray* her with?
Spay not spray.
My point exactly! Spaying neutering is the same exact thing IMO. Its chopping off or cutting out perfectly healthy normal tissue but no one thinks twice about that being cruel. And make no mistake... spaying neutering is not done for the dogs ,its done for our convenience so we can modify behaviors we don't like(example,leg lifting in males) and so we do not have to be responsible for keeping a closer eye on our animals to make sure they do not reproduce. Not exactly justifiable reasons in my book for major surgery.
I disagree about the spaying and neutering not being for dogs or cats. I think that no matter how well you watch them they sometimes get away from you. I have two outside cats that are spayed and I didn't do it for their behavior I did it to avoid any stray cats breeding them. The stray cats I do catch I have them spayed/neutered at the spca they do it for free practically and then I find them new homes. (I sort of have a network where I live of people finding cats and looking for new homes for them so there's almost always a home for a stray cat) I don't think the stray cats should be my responsibility but who else is going to do it? Also what about hunting? we allow that so population doesn't go too high for certain wildlife. Sorry for the rant, I agree that docking isn't a nasty thing to do, but I don't agree that spaying/neutering is unjustifiable. IMO that is.
I work in research, so believe me when I tell you that any number can be spun to tell a desired story. Heck a lot of the numbers are fabricated. There has actually been some very good work done lately that points to these previous claims about spaying and neutering to be incorrect. There is even research that says spaying and neutering can cause some life long health problems. Who knows for sure? Unless I have the entire study and its content in front of me I don't give the "numbers" a lot of weight. I get my dogs and cats fixed because I don't want more dogs and cats. Not because it has a slight or possibly nonexistent health effect.
Well I happen to know for a fact that spaying decreases the chances of ovarian cancer by 100%... lol I had to.
My female schipperke was perfectly fine until she was 12 years old. Then she developed pyometra. We got lucky that she survived. She had to have an emergency spay. She was in such horrible pain and sick. She did live another 3 years. I'm not having that in another. We had our GSD spayed since she would never be bred. No accidents that way. Same for the cats. We were not having the barn cat brother and sister having kittens.
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