Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Oh, I have some weird ones I've googled. My brain does some weird wandering at meals sometimes and I have to go look stuff up.

Most recent were

road kill collection rules by state
production years for volkswagen beetle
when was the aglet invented
minimum wage in 1970
do children vaccinated against chicken pox get shingles
So I get this a lot... from well just about everyone... "MORE ANIMALS!?!?!"

Of all things, then they ask for meat and eggs...

See, I love animals and I have several, but they are all well cared for so I don't know why I always get picked on about it!

I have an Akbash hound, three cats, two parakeets, a turtle, two hamsters, a ferret and my chickens... See I don't think that's all that bad! The hamster, tiny turtle and parakeets are my daughters.
So my sister visited me today which is totally fine we get along well enough, but she brought her lovely beagle cross who is adorable, but no matter how adorable it is it's not worth one of my golden laced cochins which it tried to rip it's head off! I'm so angry it's in the sick bay right now eating chick feed mixed with high protein quail feed and smothered in a lovely topical spray
So my sister visited me today which is totally fine we get along well enough, but she brought her lovely beagle cross who is adorable, but no matter how adorable it is it's not worth one of my golden laced cochins which it tried to rip it's head off! I'm so angry it's in the sick bay right now eating chick feed mixed with high protein quail feed and smothered in a lovely topical spray
Hi Buttercup95!

Come say hi! https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/25/california-northern/30290#post_11952499

Did your sister say the Dog was just being a Dog? That is just not a good excuse.
No she said she was sorry and she brought the dog inside and locked her in the laundry room. I was livid though and I have a rabbit that runs freely in my house otherwise her dog could have just stayed inside, but I was unable to find the wascally wabbit. Anyways the GLC cochin is doing better. He's eating and drinking and finally getting out of (what i presume to be) shock. Tomorrow he'll get some aloe vera on his neck. I suppose I'm actually very lucky her dog didn't finish him off. It's not the dog's fault either I knew she was coming and I know she likes to bring her dog I should have put all of them in the coop a little early. I'm okay now I'll call her tomorrow and apologize for my behavior. This time there was no true harm done and all I have to do is a little extra work to keep the guy in a separate cage. I suppose all's well that ends well. Oh and I already said hello on that thread I just found it too difficult to keep up with and I had so many questions needing answers. I'll pop back over and say hi again.
I swear if one more person asks me "why in the world would you want to have chickens?" I'm going to scream and let my chickens drop some presents on their cars! *bangs head on wall*
Lets see if I can name just a couple reasons... eggs, meat, friendly pets, beautiful pets, pets that help my autistic son, help my anger-issues son.... need I go on?
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