Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Why take the dogs where you're making someone else's house full hair or dander? We leave our dogs at a wonderful kennel when we go visit my family. Mom can't stand dog hair on stuff and I have a german shedder dog. They get a good sized kennel to share at night and during the day their are big fenced yards that the dogs get to play in with dogs of similar temperament and size. If I gather up their bedding and take it out to the truck they both start crying and jumping around until we get in the truck to go. They love going there and playing with the other dogs for a few days and it helps make sure they get socialization with other dogs.

well it's not like she lives far away only about 30 minutes or so. And I have dogs already, I do keep my house pretty clean and I know it's coincidence but my dogs started itching today... lol If it's not one thing it's another I suppose. Anyways she takes her dog to alot of places. it behaves well it's just not a friend of poultry and neither of us were aware of that. I'm not even mad at the dog, not really, it was just ignorant as was my sister to how it would react to my loose chickens. I know better though, because I lost a lot of my chickens a few years back to my dog and I just gave the rest of the chickens away I couldn't part with the dog. I should have taken anticipatory action and locked all of my chickens up early. It's not like it takes much I just make a fist and they come running thinking I have some meal worms.
To comment on typing in the google search engine and getting things you did not expect. This one was kind of a duh on my part but here goes my daughter had a school project where she had to print a picture or her fave actors and movies and things and make a collage* well her fave movie is Triple XXX so I typed in Triple XXX. Well my first thought oh thank you Lord for my daughter having to go to the rest room. My next thought OMG you dummy what did you think was going to show on the screen!! However, when I typed in VIn Diesel triple XXX some ehem pictures still showed. It was awful. Never again! Next time i IMDB it. Ugh!! :(
To comment on typing in the google search engine and getting things you did not expect. This one was kind of a duh on my part but here goes my daughter had a school project where she had to print a picture or her fave actors and movies and things and make a collage* well her fave movie is Triple XXX so I typed in Triple XXX. Well my first thought oh thank you Lord for my daughter having to go to the rest room. My next thought OMG you dummy what did you think was going to show on the screen!! However, when I typed in VIn Diesel triple XXX some ehem pictures still showed. It was awful. Never again! Next time i IMDB it. Ugh!! :(

If you are google users, at some point, someone that uses your computer manually disabled the default "Mederate Safe Search" that Google uses for its search site. If you are on the main Google.com page you can click the settings link and under safe search turn it back to moderate or even strict if you'd like to prevent any adult content from accidentally displaying...especially if you have children.

Keep in mind, somebody had to turn it off. Sneaky husbands. ;-)
Hey now...Us husbands would never do such a thing
Typing TripleX Movie versus XXX Movie makes all the difference. I very rarely get unexpected images and sites when I search - probably because I have a depraved mind so I think about the double meanings to everything
Typing TripleX Movie versus XXX Movie makes all the difference. I very rarely get unexpected images and sites when I search - probably because I have a depraved mind so I think about the double meanings to everything :oops:

Lol at that time wish I would have thought about double meanings!!!
This didn't happen to me, but someone on here told a woman at a store she was going to pick up chicks this summer... She had to clarify.
Quote: Sometimes though Google plays games with settings too. Worse still some times what you are doing a search for wont be displayed. Because the program picked up on something innocuous and decided that it was to mature for viewing. **shrugs** One is depending on software that another person developed. Essentially making the decision as to what you will view.

Though I have noted that sometimes Google will, when updating or upgrading their site, will change setting as well. It happens very rarely in my own personal experience.
This didn't happen to me, but someone on here told a woman at a store she was going to pick up chicks this summer... She had to clarify.

Yeah, that was me. She was actually one of my classmates. I told her that and she gave me a look like she was trying to decide how to take that statement. I had to tell her I meant baby chickens. The worst part? She already knew I had chickens and she still didn't realize that's what I meant. :lau

(This was the same woman that asked me if I could take one of my hen's eggs to another farm to have their rooster spray it so that it could hatch. :th )
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