Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I say girl.

I think the comb would be pinker by now and I concur with Bruceha2000 on feathers. I have been hatching them out for a while now and they are becoming more predictable based on feather patterning.

but still I get faked out...
Remember my confusing chickens? one was colored roo-like but was small and had a small comb. and the other was also a rooish coloring and we were just all confused hahaha....well they are now 20 1/2 weeks old!!!! NO EGGS yet BUT by now i'm pretty sure they would be very roo looking so i am saying i have two hens??!!! right RIGHT...PLEASE TELL ME RIGHT hahahahaa

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breaaaaaathe.........hahaha. thank goodness!!! only one boy came out of that hatch. i am very unlucky so i thought for sure my first hatch would have all boys hahahaha!!!!! NOW watch they both lay brown eggs :)
Those are pea combs. They will get a little bigger as they mature. Sizes and shapes vary depending on breeds involved.

8 wk hatchery EE pea comb

Same EE as adult. Very small pea comb and green eggs.

Young Ameraucana with her first egg.

Has bigger comb than the EE.

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