Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I will definately be bringing at least some... they are highly fertile and hatch so well I got ALOT this last year. So to get down to one rooster, I'll be selling a pair or trio at least. Of course, they will be the culls, but still great pets for kids or even you.... they are very handlable.
If anyone is bringing a hen turkey pm me, our tom is getting lonely by himself. I think hes a Rio Grand breed but on turkeys Im just not that sure, any breed is fine he just needs company.

Danny1...a friend of mine is just getting ready to set some jap eggs this weekend. I can keep you posted if you are interested and the hatch goes well.
Silkiegirl...care if I give my friend who is starting Japs your email address? I know she will need other colors to diversify her breeding flock..Thanks!
Thats fine, I know a few people in other states who have the nonstandard colors like brown reds and they are really neat. I go to out of state shows so I get to meet tons of other breeders that I wouldnt know otherwise, keep in mind some of the non standard color varieties are not as typey per say as would be your black tailed whites just because they havent been worked with nearly as long. I plan on getting a couple new varieties started when I get mine will keep everyone posted.
Hi TNBarnQueen
Sure let me know. I'm always interested in japs. What color variety does your friend have? I hope to hatch a lot next year. I have some of the standard colors and some of the not so standard. All come from show stock. Most come from Sammy Collins, Ken Byess, and Micheal Schmidt. I have black tailed whites, a pair of whites, some blacks, black tailed buffs, barred, wheaton, golden duckwing, mottled, bb red, anda silver duckwing male. I'm working on a crele color. I might be able to get some red pyle project birds next year.
I have a few other breeds of bantam. But the japs are my favorite. I also have a few colors of japs I dont know what to call them. I had a mixed pen with extra birds and a couple of hens hatched some eggs. I'm still trying to decide to keep them or get rid of them. I will concentrate on the barred, mottleds, bb reds, and crele colors next year.

Danny1...a friend of mine is just getting ready to set some jap eggs this weekend. I can keep you posted if you are interested and the hatch goes well.
Danny1...a friend of mine is just getting ready to set some jap eggs this weekend. I can keep you posted if you are interested and the hatch goes well.

Can you post pics of the ones from your mixed color pen?
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