Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Ha ha ha, is my bribery working? In all seriousness, Lori and her hubby are supposed to be there early also and she will help me (and hubby will too if his back is better). But I like to whine! Today is the first day I felt halfway human, although I am still TIRED. Loading up tomorrow night is going to be killer......and yes I tried to bribe people to help me on that too! Apparently I have to carry 20 birds up the hill to the truck....only 6 are bantams. Whine whine whine. Why must the coops be down the hill? Sigh.

If anyone happens to be there early anyways, I'm the "young chick" in the silver dodge ram. C'mon over and say hello! and carry a bird! LOL
Okay. I am definitely going to be there.
It was touch and go for a while, but I really can't call my chickens an obsession unless I am willing to duck out on soccer practice, a birthday party, AND basketball signups that I was supposed to help orchestrate to get to drive a couple of hours and stand around in the cold just to see chickens and chicken folk.

I am bringing two orp pairs, blue cockerel with black pullet, to sale. If I can still sign up I want to show a SLW and a Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel that I would love for someone to buy.

The place I contacted in Kentucky about processing my cull boys is not calling me back.
The stupid things are starting to get crazy and I am ready for them to be GONE!
Carrying chickens up a hill doesn't sound like fun. In fact, it sounds a whole lot like exercise! I can't help you there, but I'll be at the show in the morning. I'll keep an eye out for ya.
Will you be bringing any New Hampshires to either sell or show. Or if anyone else is bringing any. I would like to pick up a hen or pullet maybe two. Thanks, Charles.
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No hens, I only have NH roos available at the moment. I do have a really excellent BR roo and one very nice black Orp roo with some English blood I could bring. This was a really bad year for females for me, the percentages were ridiculous in some cases- like 25% pullets to 75% roos.

Bairo, I pm'd you.
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Hey Daphne!!! Guess what I will make sure to pack up.... that's right... a pair of silver duckwings... you won't be able to resist once they are in front of you!

Whahahahaha (evil laugh)
Everyone.... she has really HUGE and very nice looking Orps... Daphne... that is you... you don't want to be struck with tragedy and not have a back-up roo (I'm trying to help lol)
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