Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I've got a bunch of Bourbon Red Turkey poults for sale, these are excellent quality turkeys. Ages range from just hatched to around 2 months old. pm me if interested, Thanks
Usually, the words cart and buggy are interchangeable. A buggy is pulled by a horse, but you also hear "don't put your cart before your horse". The actual definition for cart is a "wheeled vehicle." The definition for buggy is "a light carriage". The definition for carriage is "conveyance, the manner of carrying ones self, or a wheeled vehicle." So actually, all three words could possibly be interchangeable but you never hear anyone saying "shopping carriage."

I just like to take up for people and no reason to try to make someone feel like an idiot and "tick them off or look at them like they are an alien" just because they do not speak the same as you or use what you consider the correct terminology. Like my daughter says, "being mean is mean."
Usually, the words cart and buggy are interchangeable. A buggy is pulled by a horse, but you also hear "don't put your cart before your horse". The actual definition for cart is a "wheeled vehicle." The definition for buggy is "a light carriage". The definition for carriage is "conveyance, the manner of carrying ones self, or a wheeled vehicle." So actually, all three words could possibly be interchangeable but you never hear anyone saying "shopping carriage."

I just like to take up for people and no reason to try to make someone feel like an idiot and "tick them off or look at them like they are an alien" just because they do not speak the same as you or use what you consider the correct terminology. Like my daughter says, "being mean is mean."

I agree with you 100%, it is hurtful when someone looks at you like your dumb and starts laughing because you say something others aren't used to hearing. I was laughed at by my BIL & his wife (my DH's brother and wife from PA) because instead of saying "scratch" I said "itch"
I didn't enjoy being their entertainment, but I seem to be laughed at by everyone.... so what's new

I say buggy, coke (for all soda related products), itch, ain't, down yownder, blinker, youins, and any other country saying
& I will not change who I am to please someone else! I also had a speech impediment and went to speech therapy in intermediate school, I had trouble with "r" so maybe it's harder for me to say shopping cart, so there
Usually, the words cart and buggy are interchangeable. A buggy is pulled by a horse, but you also hear "don't put your cart before your horse". The actual definition for cart is a "wheeled vehicle." The definition for buggy is "a light carriage". The definition for carriage is "conveyance, the manner of carrying ones self, or a wheeled vehicle." So actually, all three words could possibly be interchangeable but you never hear anyone saying "shopping carriage."

I just like to take up for people and no reason to try to make someone feel like an idiot and "tick them off or look at them like they are an alien" just because they do not speak the same as you or use what you consider the correct terminology. Like my daughter says, "being mean is mean."

What I don't think u realize is that people do not speak using regular English here. @ least not in a way that I can easily understand. Its not about being mean, its about trying to decipher what is being said. This scenario has happened to me 100 times since I've been here. Someone can speak. directly to me, and I don't have a clue as to what they have just said. I'm sure I have a puzzeled. . look bc I'm trying to figure it out. I have to ask and ask to have them repeat it. Not only do they end up getting angry, but many times I never "get" what they r trying to say no matter how much I try. You guys can speak to each other just fine, but you don't undersatand that an outsider is going to have some trouble. I was just waiting for someone to make a negative comment about what Bairo said bc i think southerns r just sensitive about it.I totally related to what he said.
Shipped eggs questions for everybody in east tennessee:

Did the eggs arrive in good condition, air cells intact and all?
Where did the eggs come from?

The wheaten Ameraucana eggs I waited so long to get, all had ruptured air cells. They looked fine on the outside, no cracks or broken shells. I tried incubating them upright, hoping the air cell would "heal" somewhat. Nothing. I think the Post Office hates me. They already proved they couldn't read the label on the box where the instructions said to call me for pick up. They didn't. The package was delivered with the regular mail.

So, if anybody can get shipped eggs which arrive in good condition, please let me know.
Same here. I compare it to listening to people with a heavy british accent....sometimes its like WHAT DID THEY JUST SAY?!?!?! Same for "southern english". I try but sometimes I just have no idea what was just said. Doesn't mean I'm being hateful, I just can't understand a dang word that was just said.

There is a great birthday card out there that has a bunch of southern uses of words. Bard. Awl. I bard my cousin's El Camino. My car is a quart of awl short. LOL
Exactly, who could understand that if they r not from the south. No one that I know. Yrs ago, before I moved dwn, I was driving dwn for the 1st time bc we usually fly. Just before we got to Jellico on I-75, my SUV died for a couple min. So I took the exit n pulled into a Shell station. They didn't wrk on cars but told me a guy up the rd did. When I asked his name, he said "Sa leeum. I thought how funny for a middle eastern to b in rual TN. When I asked him to spell it, he said "S-L-I-M". I started laughing as well as the line that had formed behind me. That was my 1st story, ha
Whew.. Thanks for explaining that sandra and Nella. They are correct... I did not look at her like she was an alien to make her feel bad at all (im the one that felt stupid) because I just could not understand her. We had just moved here and she had a heavy accent. That combined with the word I had never heard before was just a lot to process. I am much more used to it now and even have developed a little twang myself, LOL

Sorry if those stories offended you. We have grown to love these mountains and were just trying to fit in...
I just really related to ur story. I knew exactly what u meant about looking like an alien bc I've been there many times and have embarrassed myself so many times. Southerns r VERY sensitive about it. Amazing how everytime they think u r being mean, when it was exactly the opposite. I don't know how it is where u live, but I have run into some people who just DO NOT like northerners and r not shy about letting u know it.(I am happy about 911, bc those darn yankees finally got theirs...yep really). Personally I think its ignorant to dislike someone bc of the geographic area u were born in, but that's just me. I think its bc there is not a great variety of people. Its rather homogenous. In MI, this neighbor was German, this one was Italian, this on French Canadian, etc. Everyone ate differently, and worshipped @ different churches, so we were raised with a lot of diversity. Its not like that here, so when someone comes in from a different area, there can b occasion problems bc it can b very clanish.
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