Emu Hatch-A-Long 2014

Hi everyone!
Under the guidance of various people, posts, and articles here on the forums (as well as books), I successfully hatched my first emu yesterday morning. The bird appears healthy in most respects, although he took a while to initially pip. However, he does appear to have very minor cross-beak. If it remains how it is I'm really not worried, but if it worsens like in chickens or other birds, it would be most inconvenient. If anyone has had past experience with cross-beak in a ratite, I'd love to hear any advice.

In a much lighter respect, congratulations on the hatches everyone!
So I only had the one hatch, do I need 2 or will he be ok?

emu chicks are sociable creatures and often require another creature to bond with, we have had them bond to hatchlings of other species, people, even dogs and cats. You will know they are lonely when they start a high-pitched peep, almost like a distress call. We will often put a chick(en) in with them as a hatch buddy!
My first emu grew up with me and a goose baby, he didn't have an emu buddy til he was about a year and a half, he likes his emu buddy fine, but he's extremely close to me.
Hi guys I am on day 44 with my egg. When exactly should I expect it to hatch at 97 degrees? Also, when should I quit turning the little wiggler? And one more thing, my humidity is at 45% because of the rainy weather. Not sure how to get it down and my incubator fan is on as high as it will go. I also have all of the fans on as well as the AC in my house. I really really don't want to screw this up when I am so close! Thanks guys for everything.

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