Entie's Raspberry.... Pfffffffffft! ---- OK, just an excuse for pictures ;-)

Such sweet pics thanks for sharing the silliness of ducks they are so much fun. Mine love water melon and have a blast eating it too.
This summer, they have gotten a watermelon almost every week. So this time (the one I got the pictures from), I played a little trick on them. Usually I give them half a watermelon, skip a day and give them the other half. This time I brought out the whole watermelon and a knife. I set the intact watermelon down and sat at the picnic table. The whole flock rushed the watermelon and enthusiastically started pecking at it trying to get to the yummy goodness inside.... Ducks can not peck their way through a watermelon... As their enthusiasm wained, I approached the watermelon with the knife. They gave me just enough room to work and I sliced the melon in half and took one of the halves and moved it about 10 ft. so they would have two eating stations. They then attacked them with enthusiasm. I guess I have a little mean streak, but the expressions they gave me when they couldn't figure out how to open the watermelon were priceless.

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