Fairfax County, VA

Hi there!

I am new to this message board but came across this thread while looking for some assistance with my OWN Fairfax County crusade to allow backyard chicken keeping!

I live in Sulgrave Manor, which is in the Fairfax County portion of Alexandria, and I spoke first with our local Supervisor's office, who then referred me to the President of our Civic Association; from there, I was charged with writing a resolution to change the zoning for our neighborhood, which consists of half acre lots almost exclusively. From there, our Civic Association will send forward to the Supervisor, who will then in turn work towards a change in County-wide rules. But everything I have heard and read says, start where you live and work your way out!
So that's what we're doing.

I am in the process of gathering information for writing the proposed resolution, which will be presented at the January 20th (I think -- I haven't got my calendar in front of me this minute) Civic Association meeting for voting, so I'm also gathering basic information on why raising chickens in the backyard is not a nuisance to neighbors when done properly, or at least not any more so than keeping a dog in one's backyard, etc, so that I have gentle ammunition to use against the expected naysayers.

Has anybody got suggestions in terms of what restrictions and language to include? I would prefer to shy away from number specifics, and I don't really even want to get into the idea of barring roosters altogether, as part of the reason I want to have this law changed is so that those wishing to raise their own meat birds are able to do so autonomously. The restriction I would impose is simple -- those wishing to keep chickens must abide by sanitary and nusiance laws when keeping birds, and then to generally restrict bird numbers by acre much as the current Fairfax County law does, to the same proportion, e.g., if 1 bird unit of 32 chickens is allowed per acre, that's as many as 16 birds per half acre. I probably would put in a restriction that no more than ONE rooster can be kept, however, so as to avoid things like cock fighting enterprises and excessive noise ordinance difficulties. Any other suggestions?

Liz, please let us know when exactly you're presenting your proposition and we'll come out to show support.
Also, I'm a former English teacher so if you need someone to proof read, I'd be happy to help.
@NoVA chicks: Thanks much! My husband's a copy editor, so that part we're covered on - it's the content that I'm worried about. I'd love a show of support, though, so when I get back to where I wrote down the meeting date I'll post it here. Thanks so much!
I'll be happy to attend the meeting with you all as well. Just as a thought though, we ended up with a roo and after he found his voice ended up moving him out to Clifton. He crowed loudly and sometimes very early, and sometimes all day. Have you ever experienced a rooster next door? Their crows travel very far over several acres. We were able to mentally drown out that "annoying dog" who barks early but for some reason not our lovely roo. Maybe it's just us or maybe we didn't give it enough time. We have the acreage for roos so realizing I have a choice probably skews my POV.
From the research I have done, the decibel level of a rooster's crow is somewhat below that (though only marginally so) of a barking dog, and of course it depends on the pitch of the barking dog, the sort of crowing rooster, etc. and thus isn't reliable data if you're doing a "real" study.

My assumption would be that if somebody were going to keep a rooster in a residential area like mine, they'd have to build a sound-dampened coop in which to keep them during the evening/night.

I absolutely understand why there are ordinances against keeping roosters, and it's a battle I expect to lose. But based on the principles underlying my hope to change this particular zoning, namely that if you want to keep such creatures to assist in self-sufficiency and feeding your family, then you ought to be able to replenish your stock by breeding if you choose to do so, as opposed to being beholden to a shipping company. I wouldn't want to go to the trouble of keeping a rooster myself, see above in re: having to soundproof the coop.
But if others wish to do so, I'd prefer not to explicitly deny them the ability.

Lets prepare to win the chicken battle!

Please keep me informed. Now that I know the who to reach I only need knowledge of the what and where. I'm Lee District as well.

Sound proof coop sounds do-able to me
I gave Supervisor Hyland a petition to change the code regarding chickens last fall. I collected around 100 signatures at the farmer's market. He has referred the issue to the mvcca (counsel of civic associations) and is waiting to hear from them. I'm glad to know there are other residents who are also working to change the code!
Hey folks, I just signed up. I actually spent an afternoon this week trying to figure out what to do in order to get chx in my yard. I am glad there are other effort already underway?

emcadorette, will your proposal apply only to your neighborhood or would it be change to the Fairfax County Zoning Ordinances?

Laurielee, when will you hear back from the Civic Association Counsel?

I find it interesting that the Supervisors are referring the matter to local civic organizations. What are the steps after that? In Part 2 of this: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/zoningordinance/articles/art18.pdf , the amendment process is described, but I can't tell for certain how the change proposal gets into the system. I am thinking of asking the Braddock district supervisor to see what he says.

Thanks for all the good work you have been doing.

HI all. I believe I may have signed Laurielee's petition at the farmers market. (I signed one, anyway.)

Just checking in to see what's happening. I'm in the Alexandria portion of FF county on a big lot - .8 acre. I believe I could easily have chickens back there and they'd be less nuisance than my neighbor's 5 dogs. BUt alas, it's still illegal.

Please post here if there are any good ways to show support for your efforts.


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