Fairfax County, VA

I was at the Southern States in Purceville, VA and they had Golden Comets, Black Sex Links, Easter Eggers, and one other breed. If you want any of those I'd go quick, they run out fast. I think they are straight run, but you can ask.
At least they had some selection. TSC in Leesburg has had nothing but broilers and production reds for the past 4 weeks (and they still sell out quick).

However, there is always Petfinder and Craigslist to consider for local listings since I don't know any hatcheries that will ship less than 3 chicks.
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Well like I said in the other forum I am working with the Town to see about getting the ordinance changed before just getting one. I have a good feeling!
I'm really shocked at how long this thread has been going on with what appears to be very little action...

For those of you who want ACTUAL change there seems to be a group getting together to actively get the laws changed this weekend.

I'd encourage everyone to attend!

Here is a copy of the details from the Chickens For Fairfax facebook page:


"The Starbucks at 3043 Nutley St, Fairfax, VA 22031 seems to be a central location close to the freeway & Metro, so let's meet there. (Note: this is NOT the Starbucks in the Safeway, it's a regular Starbucks). Let's do 5pm on Sunday (5/20/12). Devona and anyone else who can't make it:, if you message me your email address, I'll send you a summary of the meeting. See you Sunday!"

If we start DOING rather than just POSTING we can get this thing DONE!
Hello All,

I'm a resident of Fairfax City and would like to help get the City's chicken regulations revised. Does anyone have an update on any action or efforts in Fairfax County? If efforts have been difficult or unsuccessful in Fairfax County, then maybe a change in the city would set a precedent and encourage the county to follow. It can't hurt to try.

Also, if anyone knows other people in Fairfax City already working on spearheading this, please let me know. Thanks!
Hi all, we're new to Fairfax County and very new to all things chicken. After much discussion and research we have decided we would LOVE to raise chickens for fresh eggs. I too have read the zoning rules and only own .45 acres, nowhere near the 2 acre minimum that is needed for chickens. We really didn't think we would run into so much trouble considering we only want 3 chickens! We would be happy to help change zoning laws/restrictions if someone can provide some direction for us. Is there a local group that we can join aside from the facebook group? Thanks for the help!
I just joined the Chickens for Fairfax facebook group, am I wrong or does the momentum seem to be dying? I'm not currently a Fairfax County resident but have been in the past and I still work in that area and have a grave concern for people being permitted and capable of semi-self reliance working for a major non profit in the area that distributes food to the hungry.
I'm in Fairfax County and in my chicken research I stumbled on this thread. Would love to get the zoning laws changed. I could not locate the Chickens for Fairfax facebook group but that might be because I don't have a facebook account. Any other groups/movements out there?

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