Favorite Dog Breed


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 30, 2012
What is your Favorite Dog breed?
Mine is the Nefoundland and the Great Berneese Mountain Dog.
My favorites are whatever mutt that happens to be 'the one' at the shelter. Rescue is the only way a dog will come into my life, purebred or no.
I don't think I'll ever have another house dog that isn't an American Hairless Terrier. Human kind of intelligence, with that Terrier mind, fabulously clean & hair free with an energy level that suits any owner, from couch potato to jogger.
Yeah Stacykins I agree with you. Both my dogs we rescued. My dog Mojo we rescued him and his brother from the side of the road when they were abandoned at 12 weeks. Then we just this year rescued Luna, a little labrador mixed with whippet (miniature version of greyhound). I do like the Nefoundland and Great bernese mountain dog, but the shelter pets are always the best! Save Lives!

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