Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

I make bean sprouts from Lentil beans. I spoke to an owner of a website that sells beans for sprouting and she says that they can at raw sprouted lentils. She supplies a farmer friend of hers with some leftovers and they give the eggs a wonderful taste, I can vouch for that.

I have been eating them for years and they are very wholesome and delicious too!

Mine get a big bowl every day and they never leave a bean.
Goodmorning everyone

I am getting my seeds ready for planting and Had a question?

what about Okra? we allways have it in my garden and allways Have to much i still have it from last yr in the freezer.

can they have that as a treat?
Thanks for the chart - very useful. I don't know if you have brussel sprouts in the U.S but my husband loves them. My hens would peck at the peelings but they found them difficult to eat. I hit on the idea of putting them in the blender filling it up with water and blitzing them. I strain them off and feed them to my hens and they love them.
I'm bumping this so the okra question might have a better chance of being addressed.

Anybody know if okra is okay to feed to chickens? (cooked or raw?)
I don't see dog food mentioned - I CANNOT keep my chickens away from the dogfood bowl! The poor dogs are so hen-pecked they don't even try to chase them away any more!
I've resorted to leaving the chickens penned up until the dogs have eaten in the morning, but evening feeding is another story...

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