Finally! It's MY Turn To Post New Coop/Run Pics!!

oh! now, putting the chair 'outside' the coop ! why yes, i can see that.. I keep mine inside. they get pooey.

(but I enjoy a good chicken snuggle. I have one broody that can't give up the snuggle. it's an internal battle for her. 'coo-growl-,no coo,-must growl,-have to... coo..")

I still say you need chicken run warming. Go scrape up the good decent neighbors and have a party.
or, import some from CT.
Nice job! Hope you don't mind if I copy your run. I've been looking for just the right idea for my situation and this is it. I plan on putting the coop on the outside though for easier access and probably a little bigger for extra space for storage of feed etc. I'm still in the planning stages and getting ready for spring 2011. As for the lawn chairs, trust me, I plan on something very similar and I'm sure you're not alone doing this.
No, copy away. That's why I gave all the specs and reasons for the choices I made. I read so many posts not just showing off new runs, but also read stories on the predator section etc., so see what went wrong for others, so I could try to avoid those mistakes. I read books, and thought and contemplated, etc. So I'm happy if you can use the ideas and it makes planning a little easier for you!
Loved your coop and run all you need to do is get a small round table to put between your chairs. Then set a tv remote on the table and freak out visitors when you tell them it is for Chicken TV.
This is a wonderful design, love the inside coop and the sand idea. We get so much weather here in St. Louis, rain, rain , rain, more rain and then snow! So.... I like the idea of the clear slanted roof for so many reasons, and the fact that you can leave them to come and go within their run. We are incubating our first brood of blue splash and americana marans.....(hopefully they will hatch!) We are fretful expectant parents.....they are due on the 11th of May....Thank you for your input!

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