Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you go out in a blizzard or pouring rain, just to make sure your chickens are alright.

When you spend most of the summer under the tree by your coop watching your hens pick for bugs.

When you cry everytime something happens to your chickens.

When you have names for all of them and can tell each one apart from a far distance.

When you spend most of the day fantasizing about all the breeds of hens you should have.

When people tell you you have chicken poop on your clothes/shoes and you don't even care.

When you know which chickens are BFF's and you always make sure they are put next to each other on the roosts every night.

When the only things you want are fancy chicken coops and more chickens.

My list goes on and on... Lol!
when you go to the store to buy $50 worth of people food but then go to the feed store to buy $200 worth of chicken feed
if you have ever carried your eggs in your bra to your dr appointment or the store because your incubator was acting up. ( many times! and they all still hatched :) )
When a whole corner of your desk has chicken items on it because everyone at work knows you have chickens and that's what they buy you for gifts!

New Chicken Ornament this year:

When the happiest day you can remember is getting a rooster back that you thought was gone forever. Lost my home a year ago and sold my whole flock. My sister went in behind me and bought my rooster and my favorite hen. She kept them a secret until I had a place I could have them again. Then she showed up on my doorstep with my chickens! It made my whole year! name your roosters after handsome men, because you think that will give them more chance with the "ladies".

(Mine are named after a famous Dutch soccer-player, Dirk Kuyt, a famous dutch presenter, Humberto Tan, and the legendary Humphrey Bogart. Before I had roosters, who died here, with names like George Clooney.)

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