Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

Kim, that sounds like a great idea! I might have to try that when my trees wear out; just need to make sure they are dry before using them. We may have come up with a new 'coop' product...vanilla scented pine shavings
I've been putting down lime that I had leftover from stuccoing my house. It helps keep the smell and the flies down. A 50# bag is only a couple bucks, I put down about a coffee can full once a week. Most of my problem is that I've got 4 Muscovey ducks, a drake and 3 hens in with my chickens. Ducks will make just plain ol chickens look meticulous. But the Boss, she likes them, and if I got rid of them I'd be hearing about it till the rapture. It wasn't so bad when we lived out at the ranch. I just let them roam, but living in town we have to keep everybody penned. The lime seems to work the best so far for us. That and keeping the duck water clean.
I have Ziploc bags 3/4 full of water, with 4 copper pennies in them, hanging on my horse barn, chicken coop, house porch and front door. For some reason the light shining through the bagged water frightens away the flies. Our fly population is waaaaaaaaaaaaay down this year, with no costly predators and no stinky poisons. If you put these on your chicken house, put them up high-the girls seem to enjoy their reflections and get a laugh when they peck holes in the bags...
Can someone sum up for a newbie all the fly treatment options? What were the other abbreviations mentioned?
Does throwing down extra straw help?
I stumbled on to this site while perusing the web and swatting flies. I doused a cotton ball with vanilla extract and put it on the fan, WALLA! no more flies, thanks a million. Cheap and effective, and no toxic chemicals, that don´t really work anyway. Shalom.
I stumbled on to this site while perusing the web and swatting flies. I doused a cotton ball with vanilla extract and put it on the fan, WALLA! no more flies, thanks a million. Cheap and effective, and no toxic chemicals, that don´t really work anyway. Shalom.

Nice smell too
I need to buy some and give it a go

I have a few questions....
Using the DE and or the Stall Dry, are those both safe to use for our doggies?

Sincerely & Thank you,

I stumbled on to this site while perusing the web and swatting flies. I doused a cotton ball with vanilla extract and put it on the fan, WALLA! no more flies, thanks a million. Cheap and effective, and no toxic chemicals, that don´t really work anyway. Shalom.

Alrighty...I'm off to try this right now! Can't get to town until next week, but I sure have cotton balls and vanilla extract now. Brilliant idea to put it on the fan by the way
Thank you!
Ok, I tried the cotton balls soaked in vanilla extract and now, about 4 hours later, the fly population has dropped considerably. Can't wait to get some of those little vanilla scented Christmas trees so I can dangle them all over the coop and run! What a great idea this was!

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