Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

I am using a diversion for the flies. I put some stinky garbage in the back corner of my property and 2 hours later I couldn't see a fly anywhere. I went back there and they were on the garbage by the hundreds. Then I spray the bunch with fly killer and start over.
Can someone sum up for a newbie all the fly treatment options? What were the other abbreviations mentioned?
Does throwing down extra straw help?

For abbreviations...DE = Diamatacious Earth....you should use "food grade" around the animals and you can usually get it at a farm store. I don't remember what the other abbreviations were.

As for fly treatments, vanilla scent or extract seems to be the most popular right now. I buy the little trees that people hang from their car mirrors...the scent is Vanillaroma...However, when it's hot in the Summer and all the doors and windows are open in the coop the vanilla scent is not as strong, so the flies seem to congregate more.

I may try the pelletized lime (I remember reading somewhere that the pelletized is supposedly safer because the chickens won't peck at it).

I know this is late, but I hope it helps.
I will def have to try this! They have been horriable here! I went to buy stall dry one day and decided not to because I was afraid that pellets were to hard. I am new to this so trying to find all the right answers and suggestions...Thanks!

I was curious if you have found the vanilla car fresheners to work with gnats as well as flies? The gnats and/or small biting flies are what we are having the biggest issue with right now and I was hoping that the vanilla scented stuff would work with them as well. Let me know if anyone has any experience with gnat repellent.

Thank you!

I was curious if you have found the vanilla car fresheners to work with gnats as well as flies?  The gnats and/or small biting flies are what we are having the biggest issue with right now and I was hoping that the vanilla scented stuff would work with them as well.  Let me know if anyone has any experience with gnat repellent.

Thank you!
I have used the vanilla car tree fresheners and the spray. I found it worked well. I also use peppermint and tea tree oil. They also work great. I use DE everywhere and it really does do the trick on the poop. Good luck.

Thank you so much for responding to my post and for your additional information. You mentioned using a spray??? What type of spray is it and do you just spray it around the coop? I clean my coop everyday so the poop is not an issue, just the little biting flies. We live on an agriculture farm in southern California so the little flies are probably partially attracted to the orange and lemon trees, but I want to keep them away from my chickens if possible. Thanks again! :)
We have gnats and what I've heard called no-see-ums (I guess because you can't see them LOL) so bad that we've actually been run into the house by them, especially the gnats. This past summer someone told me to put a streak of vanilla on my temples. It worked! I was able to work outside all day long, even walking through swarms of gnats, with no problems. I used real vanilla, not artificial. Think I'll try artificial this summer to see if it works too, much less expensive. I am definitely going to try the air fresheners in the coop.
We have gnats and what I've heard called no-see-ums (I guess because you can't see them LOL) so bad that we've actually been run into the house by them, especially the gnats. This past summer someone told me to put a streak of vanilla on my temples. It worked! I was able to work outside all day long, even walking through swarms of gnats, with no problems. I used real vanilla, not artificial. Think I'll try artificial this summer to see if it works too, much less expensive. I am definitely going to try the air fresheners in the coop.

We get no-see-ums real bad here too, especially in the spring in the morning and evening. Last year I resorted to wearing a mesh hat over my face (talk about a fashion statement...not, lol!). I'm going to try the vanilla tip you did and see how that works.

Thanks for the idea!

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