Fox Killed Most of My Chickens


15 Years
Jul 10, 2007
After 17 years here without seeing any fox, one got into our chicken pen yesterday morning and killed all but five of our chickens, including two beautiful roosters! Just left their bodies right where they were killed. The five escaped by flying over the fence. I happened to see two of them by the house and went to check on why they were out. Thought I'd left the gate open. I was shocked and horrified seeing my chickens all laying dead around the pen. I opened their coop about 8 am and discovered the carnage about 10. So in two hours, in broad daylight, a fox did all that. I wasn't sure what did it, but a neighbor came by in the evening saying she just saw a big fox eating a chicken in the woods near the pen. I got my five surviving hens back into the coop and they're staying inside until I can find a solution to this. I suspect it's a mama fox looking for food for kits. Is there such thing as a fox or critter proof pen? It's a good sized pen area but I think animals could chew through most any kind of covering. I sure don't want the girls confined to the coop all summer!!


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I'm so sorry about your flock! :hugs Do you have hard wire cloth around the coop? That should stop anything from chewing through. Don't let your chickens out for a few weeks as the fox will return. Bury fencing about a foot into the ground, or cement/place wood around wire to prevent burrowing underneath.
Sorry for you’re losses.
Foxes are known for their surplus killing. So you’re a bit lucky too that at least 5 got away in time.
I have posted a picture of a run earlier (from a Belgium site) that explains what you need to keep foxes and marters out.
The coop is fine & very sturdy. I opened the coop door in the morning like always so they can run around in the pen. The pen fence is basic farm fencing. Apparently the fox climbed or jumped right over the 4ft fencing. Adding another row of fencing might deter them, but I don't know for sure. The gate is still short & would need replaced. Hubs took care of all this but has become bedridden so it's all on me now & I'm no spring chick!!
After 17 years here without seeing any fox, one got into our chicken pen yesterday morning and killed all but five of our chickens, including two beautiful roosters! Just left their bodies right where they were killed. The five escaped by flying over the fence. I happened to see two of them by the house and went to check on why they were out. Thought I'd left the gate open. I was shocked and horrified seeing my chickens all laying dead around the pen. I opened their coop about 8 am and discovered the carnage about 10. So in two hours, in broad daylight, a fox did all that. I wasn't sure what did it, but a neighbor came by in the evening saying she just saw a big fox eating a chicken in the woods near the pen. I got my five surviving hens back into the coop and they're staying inside until I can find a solution to this. I suspect it's a mama fox looking for food for kits. Is there such thing as a fox or critter proof pen? It's a good sized pen area but I think animals could chew through most any kind of covering. I sure don't want the girls confined to the coop all summer!!
Foxes can squeeze thru 3-4" mesh. My advise is to add a couple strands of electric fence around what you have now.It would be cheaper than replacing it all.
That is one of my ideas, but would a fox leap over that? How high can they jump? I'm sure Google knows. With my luck, I'd electrocute myself in the process. Maybe I can find someone who knows what they're doing ...

"Foxes can climb fences, and can even jump up to 15 feet in the air. However, they're more likely to dig to get to your chickens."
That is one of my ideas, but would a fox leap over that? How high can they jump? I'm sure Google knows. With my luck, I'd electrocute myself in the process. Maybe I can find someone who knows what they're doing ...

"Foxes can climb fences, and can even jump up to 15 feet in the air. However, they're more likely to dig to get to your chickens."
Since there are only five hens left I'm thinking of abandoning the coop and run and buying one of these chicken coops with the run area, nest boxes, etc., all enclosed. Anyone recommend a good brand? They are quite expensive.
Since there are only five hens left I'm thinking of abandoning the coop and run and buying one of these chicken coops with the run area, nest boxes, etc., all enclosed. Anyone recommend a good brand? They are quite expensive.
Its very difficult for chickens that have been free ranged to be contained .I suggest covering you fence with 1" chicken wire and netting on top.An electric fence will keep a fox out if you run a couple strands.Your chickens aren't used to being confined in a small area and it will be harder for them to adjust to something so small.

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