Free to good home- one large box!- Home found

I got dibs on the box that the box comes in.

I hope that it was done in a humane manner so that the box didn't suffer! Wasn't there something that the owner could have done before getting rid of the box?

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Oh yes, when I have to put a box down it is always in a humane fashion. I carefully break them down and I burn them. Now I know some think that is inhumane.....I disagree!!! It is quick, the box doesn't suffer, and it prevents the spread of the vermin that were attcking it.
I wish that DE could have been used first before getting rid of a box. A box is a lifetime committment!
Would we do less for any of our children?


All this talk is bringing back memories of my first box. *sigh* I was 5 years old. I was a type -A ( or is that type B) perfectionist even back then, and when a little bit of jelly plopped out of my sandwich and on to my dear box, I did what every caring, loving mother would do- I marched that box right up stairs and into the tub.
So, the therapist suggested a new box, and the next Christmas, there it was under the tree!! It was wrapped sooo pretty, but as soon as I saw it, I just KNEW it was a box. Imagine my horror though, when I opened the box, and found a kitten inside! My box ate a kitten!! I screamed and screamed until my dad took the box outside and disposed of it humanely.
The next Christmas there was another box. I was terrified to open it. My mother opened it, and said Awwwwww.. Curiousity got the best of me and I looked inside. A BABYdoll.. I had a pregnant box!!!
I was 7 years old, and I helped the box deliver the baby. Unfortunately, the box did not make it through the delivery... and now I had this baby to raise all by myself.
When I was 8, I had 3 boxes. One got loose and ran out in front of a car. One got attacked by a lawnmower. The 3rd lost it's life in an avalance. (snow slid off the roof of the house)

I did finally get a good box when I was 9. That box was awesome. It was my best friend for one whole summer- til it got boxnapped. I really hope the guy riding on the back the big green truck stole the box because he had been wanting one for a very long time. I did see other boxes in the big green truck , so I think maybe my box was happy to have friends of its own kind.

Ahh, but the years of therapy... luckily, when my husband proposed, he did't present me with a little box...
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I am sooooooooooo glad that the picture of the chair finally surfaced !
I was really beginning to wonder if this box actually had a reason for existing before being offered to a new home !

And if the box is going to a good home with children, then it is the luckiest box in the world.
After all we all know that when young children get a gift the most interesting thing is always the box that the gift came in.

And I hope the new home has at least a few chickens.... If it ever gets "bugs" then the chickens can clean the bugs out for the adoring children
For those of you who think you have too many boxes:

If you train them right, boxes can be an extremely valuable asset to the spring garden! They run out and cover tender new vegetation during those late frosts! The more boxes you train in thie manner, the more peonies, bleeding hearts, mums, and other flowers you can protect. If I'd had the OP's box I could've used it on the young Japanese Maple, instead of a silly sheet!

I should've gotten a picture. Our neighbors thought we were growing boxes. Silly people didn't know you breed boxes; they don't grow on trees!


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