French frogs


Hey Dan
you need to get one for the fox. Battery operated got it at Harbor fright $17.50 will transmit 400 feet . A friend was telling about the one at Lowes but it will only transmit 200 feet and was twice as much . Both made in China .
Since you all are talking Turkeys my story for today is . I got one of those driveway alarms so I would know when the van comes to get Ben . got it set about a hundred yards from the house . I'm surprised it works good to good if fact . this morning it started going off twenty minutes before the van got here . I look out the window to see a huge tom and four big hens walking up the drive towards the house . and me with no camera. the tom was all fanned out strutting .
. other thing tall hay waving in the wind will set it off and small birds flying by.

That's a pretty sensitive alarm!
that's not good....fix it now....I wouldn't sleep with out shutting that hot water heater probably wouldn't be the time to joke about the holes being drilled and a new life insurance policy would it?
Lol. There's a story there! You've no idea!
Keep your windows open too.
My bedroom windows are sealed shut..
around here there are always window open. MissAm, do you have a gas detector in your room?
Girl I sure do now! I went and bought 2 digital ones this morning. I put them up..too high then had to move them! Lol. This was really scary guys I'll post a pic of the pipe!
Glad you said it Bert, because I was wondering why the carbon monoxide detector wasn't going off. I forget not everyone has them.
Had one s long time ago and it broke and we never replaced it,
That is frightening! Carbon monoxide is an extremely dangerous poison. Have you been getting a lot of condensation inside your windows?
No, but I've had so many of the symptoms it shook me up pretty good.
Remember the evening that mine was beeping and I didn't know they have a useful life? Turns out we don't have gas any more, actually we don't think it was ever piped into the house! Anyone with a carbon monoxide detector.... check the date on the thing, and keep the batteries replaced! And fresh batteries in smoke alarms too!
We always learn the hard way! Lol
Here she is today:
Walnut I just thought about her the other day and was gonna ask you about her yesterday..then all he!! Broke loose! She looks amazing! Good thing it happened in the Spring..less flies! With everything you've done with your birds I'm surprised you didn't stitch her up!! Or maybe she said no way!
Hello frawgs
Too tired and busy today to catch up, those are some good looking turkeys! I've never actually been around any, but they sure are pretty! They do look like they can have quite the personalities!

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