French frogs

I'm sorry turk. I've had a lot of post hatch losses in my bcm, but I think it was genetic issues. I can't offer any insight, but I bet Walnut can if she's around.
Monkeys were awesome and you know it ;)

I remmeber, and i know u dont mind if i hijack for this serious question Just This Once...

Monkeys attack, going for faces and...
where have you been? I'm selling off the BCM, so I'm really waiting to see how yours turn out. Any current pics of the cockerel?
Just the few from a couple weeks ago. I will have to try to snap a few more this weekend. I had to get rid of the one mature BCM cockerel I had since the city was coming down on me. He had shafting, too much copper in the chest, and was starting to get a halo.

These Bev Davis boys I have are starting to breed already though. I have one little peddler girl that gives me a #5 egg. But I will probably wait until the BD pullets start laying to hatch any out.

Did you miss the whole "city told me to get rid of my roosters" fiasco?
Just the few from a couple weeks ago. I will have to try to snap a few more this weekend. I had to get rid of the one mature BCM cockerel I had since the city was coming down on me. He had shafting, too much copper in the chest, and was starting to get a halo.

These Bev Davis boys I have are starting to breed already though. I have one little peddler girl that gives me a #5 egg. But I will probably wait until the BD pullets start laying to hatch any out.

Did you miss the whole "city told me to get rid of my roosters" fiasco? 
oh no, I saw that one. Good for you for fighting back
i have sick chicks. Ive posted for help in my local thread but id appreciate yalls take too. I was advised its probly cocci, and to use sulfadimethoxine @ 1/2-1 tsp powder to one gal of water.

Theyre all skinny upon passing but with food and water in their crops, im not seeing diahrea or any resp signs... :-/ ive addressed bedding, lighting, warmth, feed, added probios and electros... At a loss and growing more and more upset. Ive lost 11 in 4 days, from two seperate grow outs, all the same age, no adults affected.

1. How old?
2. All housed together?
3. Any of the following symptoms: hunched shoulders, ruffled feathers, dull eyes, dry, dull leg scales, skinny toes or shanks, pale rather than pink under the wings? Exactly what does the poop look like?

The first thing I do when diagnosing a sudden onset is to go back to basics. That means clean, fresh water with NO additives or supplements (too much salt or acid can throw off digestion). I feed cooked scrambled or mashed hard boiled eggs and cooked oatmeal as a recovery diet.

I check the feed sources for spoilage by smelling. Chick feed can go stale, grains can grow aflatoxins, sprouted grains can get moldy, improperly fermented feed can harbor all sorts of toxic things. Waterers can grow algae, and the red algae is toxic. Use your nose. If you wouldn't taste it, don't feed it.
i have sick chicks. Ive posted for help in my local thread but id appreciate yalls take too. I was advised its probly cocci, and to use sulfadimethoxine @ 1/2-1 tsp powder to one gal of water.

Theyre all skinny upon passing but with food and water in their crops, im not seeing diahrea or any resp signs... :-/ ive addressed bedding, lighting, warmth, feed, added probios and electros... At a loss and growing more and more upset. Ive lost 11 in 4 days, from two seperate grow outs, all the same age, no adults affected.

I read all that monkey buisness too, shame on yall!
@mixedUPturk he should be ashamed for that mess of a "pansyazzmonkeybuttmanpostingrampagingpizzdrinkingerkingoffchitpostingunmanlyactofstuffIcantmentionchit"

but I will post for you any time Turk since he is incapable of a normal post without incorporating any sort of of something to imply something of someother ugggggg nevermind

Turk look at this post post #4779 at the bottom "Add 2 Tbsp to each gallon of drinking water" let me know how it goes ok? and I am sorry about your chicks turk
it really sucks wish you woulda asked me bout them
he should be ashamed for that mess of a "pansyazzmonkeybuttmanpostingrampagingpizzdrinkingerkingoffchitpostingunmanlyactofstuffIcantmentionchit"

but I will post for you any time Turk since he is incapable of a normal post without incorporating any sort of of something to imply something of someother ugggggg  nevermind

Turk look at this post post #4779   at the bottom "Add 2 Tbsp to each gallon of drinking water"  let me know how it goes ok? and I am sorry about your chicks turk:hugs it really sucks wish you woulda asked me bout them
I like monkeys :smack

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