Frizzle thread

Yeah I suppose I'm in denial
. I think it might be a hen too. My cochin cockerel that's the same age has a comb twice the size and this chicks comb is not as red as it looks it the pictures.
Bob doesn't look like a frazzle to me, but my frazzle is fluffy after a moult. She's soft too. That second guy (girl, it could be a girl or a slow developing cocketel- that can happen if you have more than one boy) looks like one for sure. He's still not as terrible looking as my hen :gig
Bob doesn't look like a frazzle to me, but my frazzle is fluffy after a moult. She's soft too. That second guy (girl, it could be a girl or a slow developing cocketel- that can happen if you have more than one boy) looks like one for sure. He's still not as terrible looking as my hen
Well thank you for clearing that up. I will just have to breed him/her to one of my cochins I think that will make a lovely mix if I pick the right colored cochin. I can't wait to see how he/she looks when he/she is completely grown and feathered out. Can I see a picture of your frazzle just so I know what to expect. I searched it via google images but it just shows me regular frizzles...

^THIS is why you don't breed two frizzles together. She does give me 100% frizzled chicks though. What she lacks in looks, she makes up for in personality. She's also a good mom. Oh, and she's broody again :gig We call her Curly Sue

I couldn't get my picture to upload, but I posted this one of her earlier in the thread. She's a little more bald now, I'll keep trying to get the other pic to embed :)
I just got my first frizzle she (i hope) is supposed to be a splash Cochin frizzle, about 3 1/2 months old. Does that look/sound right? Like I said, she's my first so I'm just learning about them. Also, I've noticed that she tends to keep one or both of her eyes closed alot.when they're open, they look bright n clear. Is that normal for them, or is it something I should b worried about? Otherwise, she seems to b doing pretty, eating, drinking, grooming, pooping.... She's very sweet. I've got her separate from the rest of my flock for now, just to b safe. Any recommendations for a new frizzle owner?
Plus, i just wanted to show her off since she's such a cutie :)

Sorry to interject. I thought my frizzle was half frizzle and silkied but now I am beginning to wonder if it is a Curly or Frazzle because she lost some featthers and looks balding. Not sure if it is from the rooster Pamela is starting to look like your Curly Sue. How can you tell the difference between molting or Frazzle? Here is a picture.
Frazzles usually have narrow, brittle feathers. Alot of times they'll break off, or just the quills will be left behind (like your girls wings). The easiest way to tell if you have a frazzle is to breed it to a smooth feathered bird. All of the resulting chicks will be frizzles :)
She's super cute!

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