Frizzle thread

Freddie Mac looks like his wing feathers are coming in the same as the baby feathers but curly! Are they to young to know what they are???


Goldie locks



cutie pie



Freddie Mac (just took tape of)



Steve (I think is a frizzle)

The breeder I got them from had sizzle/frizzle/silkies is there a way to tell what I got? Also the colors?
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We purchased 3 frizzles a roo and 2 hens at an auction. The hens don't like the other rooster or hens and the rooster doesn't like the smooth feathered hens so we will probably end up with a few frazzles in the mix. H

ad to build them their own run.
Freddie Mac looks like his/her wing feathers ARE coming in curly, the last two I think will be smooth feathered though and the middle one is too young to be sure.
Freddie Mac looks like his/her wing feathers ARE coming in curly, the last two I think will be smooth feathered though and the middle one is too young to be sure. 
thanks Freddie mac is the only one I wasn't totally sure on! Do you no when you can tell what color they? I am wondering if the yellow and black one is going to be stripped?
I guess I am just not fully understanding how to tell. Its weird to me the two that look like the have regular feathers are the actual silky miles its so weird! Maybe I will get better as I go if these are the kind I decided to stick with. I got a little of everything to see what I like the best!! Right now my favorite is a light Brahma she is sweat.
I'm still not sure what she is, but she's getting fully feathered. I'm thinking pullet. What do you think? I am very new to polish and silkies.
Hello, I have a few ideas of what s/he (hoping for a she) is, but nothing concrete. I was told it was a polish, but I'm thinking some type of cross, since there is an extra toe. Hoping it'll become more clear as it grows. Thoughts? The first 2 photos are from a week ago. The last photo is this week. As of right now we call it Carlotta. Who knows, maybe she'll end up Carl.
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Hoping some one can help me with color identification. I have 5 bantam cochin chicks about 12 days old. One I know is white so I didn't take a picture. I believe two are black, even though they have a fair amount of white at the moment. Im stumped on the feather color of the brownish ones though and am hoping some one can help. Thanks!
Chick one, I know its not a frizzle
Chick two also not a frizzle I know.
Chick three, not that photogenic, black frizzle?
Chick 4 Black frizzle?? Awful lot of white but from what I hear that may disapear?

Thanks so much in advance!
I agree with chick three being black, I don't know about the brown, is it possible it could be a mille fleur or calico? I'm not sure but those would be my best guesses. Chick four's white could disappear. Good luck with them, I have always wanted a cochin frizzle, do post pics of when they are big!

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