Frostbite on baby chicks?

I don’t normally recommend wrapping legs because of the possibility of getting too tight and impeding circulation. Wrappings can move and get too tight sometimes.
I noticed on chick 2 that that is happening. I figured since he no longer has any blisters on the bottoms of his feet he shouldn’t need wraps anymore. But Little Foot walks on the tips of her toes. Like a ballerina. So I want to wrap hers so the impact of her walking isn’t so harsh. Even though she’s walking on shavings there is hard floor underneath.
Little Foot has lost her right foot. I should be wrapping it now right?
I have not had a chicken or a baby chick with frostbite that lost legs, so I appreciate the others who have posted about experience with their own chickens. When I worked in hospitals as a nurse, we used Tegaderm dressings on baby’s knees to keep them from being rubbed raw. There was a thicker substance used to pad skin as well called Duoderm. There are a few hydrocolloid dressings available in pharmacies and online that are self-adhesive and can be cut to fit. This is one I found:
Moleskin can be found in most pharmacies in the foot and toe remedies aisle, and it can be another possibility.
@Eggcessive I wrapped her stump this morning and she slipped out of the bandage anyway. I only asked about wrapping it now because I know @Allsfairinloveandbugs wraps Matilda’s stumps. I figured once Little Foots other foot falls off she will probably have to have some sort of coverage for her stumps. At least during the day when she’s up walking around.
Hi @Smileybans , on the advice of those who responded to Matildas thread, I wrapped her stumps for a few days immediately after her feet detached to help prevent infection until the wounds scabbed over. Then I left them uncovered for several weeks while they healed. I was very careful to keep her uncovered stumps clean while they healed. Now i keep her stumps wrapped since she is outside daily with her flock, & needs padding to be more mobile.

@Eggcessive is one of the very knowledgeable people that gave advice on Matilda's thread, so trust you can rely on her advice here.

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