Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

" its so nice sitting here with the cozy fire."

Tell me that when you help fell the trees, cut, split, haul, stack, bring it in from the woodpile in bad weather, stoke it before bed, get awake and take care of it first thing, and regularly tend.

Its there for heat, cozy is a side benefit (and I enjoy all of it. And they wonder why I don't have a weight problem, lol.)
I posted this..

It is free. The work involved in collecting, growing, shipping, cooking an getting it to your table is not. Pay someone to do it or do it your self.

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My five year old granddaughter asked me why the cartoon cow character Otis has udders.  Shouldn't he be a bull or something?  I told her that the cartoon is made in Korea and they don't know anything about cattle.  That should hold her until she is about ten, by then I will have figured out an other answer.


I've always been a city slicker abd I've wondered this (I've aslo seen the reverse as a kid).

Now I may be a city slicker, but I facepalmed at this:

Visitor: there's a flea on your cat
Me: that's a nipple
Visitor: But he's a boy
Me: So does your boyfriend.
Two or three weeks ago my sister came over and we were talking. I showed her one of my chicks that had hatched and about the ones I was hatching. Somewhere in the conversation she asked me if I put the roo in with the hens to get my hatching eggs. And I was like what? She mentioned well I thought when you wanted eggs to get babies from then you put the roo in and then you took him back out when you wanted to eat them. You know, since the ones will make babies. I was like "ugh no. I have 5 roos out there do you think I am going out there and putting them in and taking them back out every time!!!" She said, "Well I didn't know!" So that started "the egg is an egg until I do more to it to make it a baby" conversation. She was flabbergasted. "SO you can eat them even though they are like ready to become something!!!!!"
"It doesn't become anything until there is heat or a broody hen! May have the stuff to become one but can't till other factors are introduced!!!!" After that, I looked at her and said this is sooo going on BYC.
I know this isn't chickens but this was definitely funny.
When I was a teenager I took my friend and her boyfriend to see my horse, she wasn't very big on being caught and at the time was quite flighty. When I tried to catch her across the field she got spooked and ran right at my friend and her bf-who apparently was petrified as he ran screaming like a girl saying "don't eat me don't eat me!"

I love when I go to the fair where they have Lamancha goats and you hear people whispering "Why did they cut off their ears?" I do have to admit though that back before I knew about them I asked the same question! Now I lean over and tell them they were born that way!

I wonder if Araucana people get the same reaction to their hens buts or lack there of!?
Yes. Yes we do.
Two or three weeks ago my sister came over and we were talking. I showed her one of my chicks that had hatched and about the ones I was hatching. Somewhere in the conversation she asked me if I put the roo in with the hens to get my hatching eggs. And I was like what? She mentioned well I thought when you wanted eggs to get babies from then you put the roo in and then you took him back out when you wanted to eat them. You know, since the ones will make babies. I was like "ugh no. I have 5 roos out there do you think I am going out there and putting them in and taking them back out every time!!!" She said, "Well I didn't know!" So that started "the egg is an egg until I do more to it to make it a baby" conversation. She was flabbergasted. "SO you can eat them even though they are like ready to become something!!!!!"
"It doesn't become anything until there is heat or a broody hen! May have the stuff to become one but can't till other factors are introduced!!!!" After that, I looked at her and said this is sooo going on BYC.

lol.. reminds me of one of the guys I went to school with. He knew fertile eggs needed heat to turn into a chicken.. so he refused to eat eggs.. he figured that between the heat from the stove.. and from his gut he would have them turning into embryos in his stomach...

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