Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

My cousons came down to visit and brought there kids with them, there oldest son who at the time was 10 said he was going to go play on the large role of yarn..... I was laughing so hard that I couldnt explain to him it was called a hay bale..
That's a new one. Very funny.
"how do you know which chickens are girls/boys" all the chickens were all fully grown
"Cute accent. Are you from Texas?".....No I'm just from the south dont have to be from Texas! i get asked that everytime i go up north.
"Cute accent. Are you from Texas?".....No I'm just from the south dont have to be from Texas! i get asked that everytime i go up north.
I'm from Missouri...not south, not north, but in between. My dad used to be a long haul truck driver. We'd be asked "What part of the North are you from?" whenever we were in KY, TN, VA or farther south. If we were farther North, like in the New England states, then we'd get "What part of the North are you from?"
I'm from Missouri...not south, not north, but in between. My dad used to be a long haul truck driver. We'd be asked "What part of the North are you from?" whenever we were in KY, TN, VA or farther south. If we were farther North, like in the New England states, then we'd get "What part of the North are you from?"
I think Missouri is classified as a southern state but not the deep south. When we were looking at property before we moved here from California I asked the realtor if Missouri had been a free state or a slave state. He said he didn't know. I looked it up. Missouri was a slave state. I don't know if he really didn't know or if he didn't want to admit it was a slave state. Missouri fought on the side of the Confederacy and there are some Civil War battlefields in Springfield and here in my town of Hartville. The Hartville battle was really confused and I am not sure who won. I don't think the combatants knew either.
Missouri didn't officially break away during the civil war. But because we were a border state, I think we have the 3rd highest number of Civil War battles (they are all over the state, not just near the southern or southeastern border). We had two governments; one Union and one Confederate. You weren't safe if you sympathized with the North, South or remained Neutral.

Mine is bad. Really bad.

My sister's fiancee was outside with me, helping me paint some chairs, and he looked over to see my rooster "doing the deed" with a hen. He looked to me, very confused, and said, "why are they doing that? Aren't they both chickens?" Very confused, I asked what he meant, and he said, "well, they're both chickens, so they're both girls, right? Cause all chickens are girls?" I had to explain that no, roosters are chickens too. He though a rooster was a different animal entirely! This kid is 20 years old, in med school, so he had to have passed biology, right? Right?
And I'm about to be related to him!
Mine is bad. Really bad.

My sister's fiancee was outside with me, helping me paint some chairs, and he looked over to see my rooster "doing the deed" with a hen. He looked to me, very confused, and said, "why are they doing that? Aren't they both chickens?" Very confused, I asked what he meant, and he said, "well, they're both chickens, so they're both girls, right? Cause all chickens are girls?" I had to explain that no, roosters are chickens too. He though a rooster was a different animal entirely! This kid is 20 years old, in med school, so he had to have passed biology, right? Right?
And I'm about to be related to him!

you should have said you wished you where someday you wished to be an uncle but since he and your sister where both human that meant you both where female right????
A doctor? Wow... I have one... A teacher that I know has just got some chicks at the local feed store. She got 3 chicks and they are now about 7 weeks old. well... some are starting to get their combs and wattles. Her brother is trying to convince her that all 3 must be roosters. Because they are getting combs... Now I know that this teacher is a math teacher but she had to ask me just to make sure... they are all girls right? I did reassure her that yes girls can get small combs and a pea comb for the EE... You would think that she would remember her parents chickens... they visit there all the time...
Mine is bad. Really bad. My sister's fiancee was outside with me, helping me paint some chairs, and he looked over to see my rooster "doing the deed" with a hen. He looked to me, very confused, and said, "why are they doing that? Aren't they both chickens?" Very confused, I asked what he meant, and he said, "well, they're both chickens, so they're both girls, right? Cause all chickens are girls?" I had to explain that no, roosters are chickens too. He though a rooster was a different animal entirely! This kid is 20 years old, in med school, so he had to have passed biology, right? Right?
And I'm about to be related to him!
you should have said you wished you where someday you wished to be an uncle but since he and your sister where both human that meant you both where female right????
I already am an aunt (I'm a girl, BTW, :p !) He and my sister just had a baby... You'd think he'd get it, right?

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