Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Why not let Hershey raise the chicks? I know some people on here who have had hens foster chicks before... saves on the electric bill because you don't need a heat lamp, and the chicks could free range with the hen (if you let your chickens free range).

You can do that?!! :O
I guess that makes that post even funnier now, watch out, an idiotic person is on BYC!!
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Why not let Hershey raise the chicks? I know some people on here who have had hens foster chicks before... saves on the electric bill because you don't need a heat lamp, and the chicks could free range with the hen (if you let your chickens free range).

You can do that?!! :O
I guess that makes that post even funnier now, watch out, an idiotic person is on BYC!!

Awww, don't think that! Unless you have "broody" experience, you wouldn't necessarily deduce a broody hen will often adopt day-old chicks as hers. Not always, but often enough for folks to take advantage of the trait.

You can do that?!! :O
I guess that makes that post even funnier now, watch out, an idiotic person is on BYC!!

don't feel bad! I think everyone has a bit of city slicker in them about something. I was reading the other day about ducks because so many people on the forum have them and I grew up on a river and was always around them. I had NO IDEA some breeds lay eggs as often as every day and that you could eat them. :lau
No offense city slickers,but if you keep this up i'll have a heart attack....of laughing!
None taken! I am not above laughing at myself. Life is too short and it's important not to take everything so seriously. I have some pretty good "city sicker" moments which I usually refer to as blonde moments :) Besides, I totally am a city sicker. The first time I ever saw a chicken up close was when I bought mine last summer. I've never been on a farm in my life!
Gave some co-workers brown eggs. One asked me how long she had to dye them in bleach to get them to be white "like the eggs she buys at the store!"

Also sell duck eggs to which I get asked repeatedly "You can eat duck eggs??"

"How come your rooster crows duing the day. I thought they could only do that at dawn"

"Aren't you afraid when a chicken eats a worm, that it will be in the egg?"

Took fresh eggs into work, one lady freaked out because they weren't refrigerated. I had to explain that eggs are not refrigerated when they are laid, so therefore it was alright to leave them out for a 'bit'.

Another lady made this statement "I always wonder how chickens hear without ears".
Gave some co-workers brown eggs. One asked me how long she had to dye them in bleach to get them to be white "like the eggs she buys at the store!"

Also sell duck eggs to which I get asked repeatedly "You can eat duck eggs??"

"How come your rooster crows duing the day. I thought they could only do that at dawn"

"Aren't you afraid when a chicken eats a worm, that it will be in the egg?"

Took fresh eggs into work, one lady freaked out because they weren't refrigerated. I had to explain that eggs are not refrigerated when they are laid, so therefore it was alright to leave them out for a 'bit'.

Another lady made this statement "I always wonder how chickens hear without ears".

I wonder on the first comment do they only shop at the cut rate grocery store? I mean most stores I have in my area also carry brown eggs, not much of a selection but they are there if you look for them. plus at some stores if they have some eggs that broke with different experation dates they have a "generic" looking box for the odds and ends of the re-packing process and they labe, them with the closest date and you can get small medium large the "fancy" egglands best and some brown ones sometimes all in the same re=pack container...
Well, I see where they get that idea though... Seems like everything is bleached, and if it isn't, it costs a lot more... white eggs cost a lot less than brown. Plus, people often associate brown eggs as better, because farmers tend not to have leghorns, but RIR and the like, so it's easier to free-range around the farm. So, it wasn't too long ago that stores really only had white eggs and most farmers had brown... thus people associated the better taste with the color of the egg.
yes flour and sugar in bleached, but those are dry goods, on I guess the "paint" fruit though my aunt in s ca. has a lemon tree and the peel looks almost like one would expect a lime would be from a store....

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