Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

I was gutting an elk with a friend once and he started to throw the liver out in the brush for the scavengers and I said "Wait, we'll eat that!"
And he looked at me and said, "You eat the guts?"
one man's garbage is an other man's delicasy: in israel, gizzards, livers, hearts of chickens are normal bbq style eating, in pita bread with peppers and humous, its a national food ;called 'jerusalem mix meat'. done on a grill, its standard fare. so is beef brains, lungs, and intestines stuffed with rice or chpped meat. so is the rumen of a sheep (i hate it but its very very expensive and only for holidays, takes forever to prepare also)...
thai husband eats the comb of the rooster or hen (bbq, didnt know it was so tasty, now im crazy for it), the feet (also in israel, used to be any respectable grandmother would make the famous jewish chicken soup with chicken feet boought in the market, now terribly expensive.

with the skin u can make 'shmaltz' a fatty yummy thing like pork cracklins' only kosher... (and full of cholesterol)>

ny son the kibbutznik who worked in the meat chicken coops still fears to eat my hens' eggs since they didnt come through a company check (and didnt get sprayed with noxioius substances either. suddenly, as of yesterday, everyone wants my eggs as there was an article about dioxins in eggs).
ive told him he has had a blessed childhood as we have had various and sundry animals in the house always: snakes, a baby ibex!, a gazelle fawn, goat kids, the ducks and chickens now, baby rescued falcons (never mind what kind of meat for prey was in the freezer), but he is still a wanna be city child it seems (he wants a girlfriend from the city, who dresses nice, etc, but gets disappointed when he brings one home to hike etc and she gets upset with dirt and the sound of foxes and jackals howling... u cant take the country of of the boy even if he tries hard...but he still messes up about chickens!!!

and me? i am one step from having a diapered house chicken, even my dogs agree....
one man's garbage is an other man's delicasy: in israel, gizzards, livers, hearts of chickens are normal bbq style eating, in pita bread with peppers and humous, its a national food ;called 'jerusalem mix meat'. done on a grill, its standard fare. so is beef brains, lungs, and intestines stuffed with rice or chpped meat. so is the rumen of a sheep (i hate it but its very very expensive and only for holidays, takes forever to prepare also)...
thai husband eats the comb of the rooster or hen (bbq, didnt know it was so tasty, now im crazy for it), the feet (also in israel, used to be any respectable grandmother would make the famous jewish chicken soup with chicken feet boought in the market, now terribly expensive.

with the skin u can make 'shmaltz' a fatty yummy thing like pork cracklins' only kosher... (and full of cholesterol)>

ny son the kibbutznik who worked in the meat chicken coops still fears to eat my hens' eggs since they didnt come through a company check (and didnt get sprayed with noxioius substances either. suddenly, as of yesterday, everyone wants my eggs as there was an article about dioxins in eggs).
ive told him he has had a blessed childhood as we have had various and sundry animals in the house always: snakes, a baby ibex!, a gazelle fawn, goat kids, the ducks and chickens now, baby rescued falcons (never mind what kind of meat for prey was in the freezer), but he is still a wanna be city child it seems (he wants a girlfriend from the city, who dresses nice, etc, but gets disappointed when he brings one home to hike etc and she gets upset with dirt and the sound of foxes and jackals howling... u cant take the country of of the boy even if he tries hard...but he still messes up about chickens!!!

and me? i am one step from having a diapered house chicken, even my dogs agree....

sounds like chickens in Israel are like pigs to some of us gentiles on farms here in the USA, it was often joked in poorer rural areas they used everything from the pig except the oink....
spot on.... red meat here is still expensive, and frankly, not really tasty (to me, i prefer non kosher parts of the cow), plus all the meat is salted to death and then cooked to death. most families will have chicken at least on friday night even if they cant afford any meat any other time. and the obdy parts used to be cheap and available. nowadasy its expensive; for parties, grill evenings, holiday fare. wierd how things change.

chicken is the main food, unforutnately most people here nowadays except for those with very ethnic grandparents basically eat : thighs, breast, drumstick and the number one fave in every single restaraunt from sushi to meat spaghetti (as opposed to dairy restaraunts, kosher,remember?) is: SHNITZEL. (boned breast).

anyone anywhere when they travel, will order basically: shnitzel (bread crumbed and baked or fried), and rice for them and their kids. even teh classiest place, and the most gourmet, if it has meat, willhave a shnitzel or mini shnitzel on the menu. and most people dont really remember that a shnitzel comes from a chicken. and they prefer it that way, they dont have to see the body (leg, breast, back)....

i would say taht shnitzel is the hamburger here.

howver, having a small village thai husband: everything including the oink gets used on a pgi since here it is soooooo expensive and difficult to get; and jsut for the hell of it, the thais fave food here is cow placenta. yes, i ate it. no it wasnt horrible. yes its not all its made out to be. goes best with a shot of vodka. like chewing silicon witha taste of , well, cow. the thais wait for a cow to give birth in the cow dairy, catch the placenta, and wash its, boil it and eat it by dipping in to spicy sauce... probably a good way to get a lot of diseases...
I got another one... My dad was telling a coworker about our meat chickens, and she replied with "That's mean! You should just go to the store and buy a frozen chicken like everyone else!" lol, "Where do you think they come from at the store???" "Idk, but that's mean!"
I got another one... My dad was telling a coworker about our meat chickens, and she replied with "That's mean! You should just go to the store and buy a frozen chicken like everyone else!" lol, "Where do you think they come from at the store???" "Idk, but that's mean!"
That's all right. I have a niece who thinks I am an axe murderer because I sometimes raise and butcher my own chickens. I tell her I don't use an axe. The only chicken she will eat is KFC. According to her, the reason Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC, is because they no longer serve real chickens. That's right. If you go on the KFC website you should be able to find what I am talking about. There was an internet hoax perpetuated some years ago about some mutant non-chicken chickens that the fast food industry, and KFC in particular, was supposedly using and she swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. I mean if it is on the internet it has to be true. I never even tried to tell her the difference. She would never have believed me anyway.
That's all right. I have a niece who thinks I am an axe murderer because I sometimes raise and butcher my own chickens. I tell her I don't use an axe. The only chicken she will eat is KFC. According to her, the reason Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC, is because they no longer serve real chickens. That's right. If you go on the KFC website you should be able to find what I am talking about. There was an internet hoax perpetuated some years ago about some mutant non-chicken chickens that the fast food industry, and KFC in particular, was supposedly using and she swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. I mean if it is on the internet it has to be true. I never even tried to tell her the difference. She would never have believed me anyway.

None is so stupid is he/she who refuses to listen and learn.
So a few years back, I had over a vegan boyfriend to meet my parents. My mom was really proud that she had made an all organic, vegan meal for him.
Mom: Yes we grew all the ingredients here. It has tomatoes, onions, eggplants....
BoyFriend: It has eggplant in it?
Mom: Yes.
BF: I can't eat it.
Mom: Why?
BF: (rolling his eyes) I'm VEGAN, I don't eat eggs.
Mom: So you can't eat eggplant?
BF: No, EGGplant has EGGS in it.


She had to show him an eggplant, and I don't think he believed her.

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