Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Umm, because it's partially true. They do mechanically seperate the meat, but it's not feathers and all. I'm not so sure I believe the bit about them having to dye it because it's pink... All of the chickens I've butchered have had pink flesh... it turns white when you cook it, no dying necessary.
Excuse me while I go barf.
Think about it a minute. How would they do that even if they wanted to? McDonalds doesn't raise chickens. They don't process them. They buy them from a processing plant. Unless you think McDonalds buys whole chickens, complete with entrails and feathers, from the processor. And why would you think that?
I have been told some of these fast food places actually DO process their own meat, or at least have a stake in the processor, like brand x steak house owns lets say 40% of the beef processor and fast food place y owns 60% they may sell in the open market the items they don't use like the hides, bones, extra fat and the few cuts of meat that does not go into the steak cuts and ground beef (like the tongue, liver perhaps the filet min youn or however it's spelled).
They still don't grind up whole critters, hide, hair, feathers, entrails and all, for food products.
LOL...that is funny because we live near to a tiny tourist town that many Texans seem to call "their playground", up in the mountains. We can get a LOT of snow up here. And these Texans, and I am not insulting anyone here so do not take offense, :), but if 1 flake flies....out come the tire chains!! LOL Seriously. You can hear them coming miles off with the pounding of the chains on DRY pavement. They will drive like some old lady out for a Sunday drive when the tiniest flakes are in the air, not even sticking to the ground.

I was walking down the street taking my Barred rock hen to a contest and a guy walks up to me and says, "What a funny looking dog!" . Then we have a nice long talk about chickens and dogs. LOL!!!

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