Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

I can has faint now?

That is just dumb. Did they even do any reaserch on that?
I was once told with dead seriousness that "If you dont cut that snake in half and throw them far away from eachother that snake will reattach and come back to life" when I killed an obnoxious snake in the yard.

or how about, "Well thats real intellegent, how do you plan on having eggs without any roosters, huh?"

or "WOW! That cow's got huge testicals!" When viewing a milk cow heavy with milk.

My favorite though is "can you milk a boy animal, or can you just milk girls?"

You'd think these were from little kids... but oh no- grown up people said these things. Iam an ignorant people magnet.
I hate those cartoons and that movie for just that reason!! What possible reason would they have for confusing millions of children like that? That is just sick and wrong!!! That one is off the list of movies my kids can watch just like rated R movies.

I have 6 different chicken breeds and they all lay different colored eggs. We have white, green, brown, cream and 3 shades of light brown. My family and friends want to know if each color of egg tastes different.
LOL Ducklings don't need bottles.

I have been asked before what breed of dog my sheep are. I say well, it's a Suffolk dog or for the other it's a Hampshire dog. LOL Now I have Jacobs so I would just say, "it's a 4-horned Jacob dog. neat huh?"

And one time I had a box I wrote "Fragile" "Hatching Eggs" on the side and the post office guy in the big city told me I could not mail hatching eggs since they might hatch before they got where they were going. LOL I told him I sure hope it doesn't take 21 days at 100 degrees for you to ship a priority box. He finally let me ship it after I explained they had to be incubated and even then they may or may not hatch because it depends on several variables.
"Chickens can't fly!!"
"You have roosters... won't the eggs hatch? (In the refrigerator)
And those who think the chick is allready IN the egg and full grown when laid!

From My Mother: we live on 4 acres... between 2 different "neighbors" the closest is 250 feet away.... the other is 4 acres away-- surrounded by farms....

When I said we were raising chickens and ducks, she said"Can you do that where you live? that isn't a farm!?"
Why? We (and our neighbors) don't have a big red barn!
like everyone else, we spend a lot of time explaining that you don't need roosters to get eggs

We were walking our fawn colored greyhound in the city one day and a lady stopped her car along side us and in all seriousness asked, "Is that a deer"? Honestly, after picking your jaw backup off the ground, how do you respond to that?

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